
Über mich
I'm a 40-something aspiring author who spent my childhood with my nose stuck between the pages of more books than I can possibly remember reading. My best friends weren't named Sally or Molly or Stacy, but Milo, Dorothy, Nancy Drew, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Bilbo and Frodo. I began writing almost as soon as I could read. Once I saw my byline on an article for the school newspaper when I was in sixth grade, I was hooked, and I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up; I even graduated with a BA in journalism. After twenty-five years, I still haven't grown up, but I continue to evolve as a writer.

I've recently (2004-2009) played around in the sandbox of fanfiction (and anyone who tells you that writing in that arena does nothing to help you hone your craft probably wouldn't know an entertaining story if it bit them!), winning several online fanfiction awards and making some wonderful writing friends. I now blog, have participated in NaNoWriMo twice, and am working on plotting out my first novel (a romantic suspense tale tentatively titled "My Hero") with husband, three teenagers and two beagles cheering me on. To pay the bills, I work at a small financial institution of impeccable repute and in my spare time (??) I knit for charity and continue to read voraciously. I love coffee, old books, antiques, happy endings and fountain pens.
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