Über meine Bibliothek
I hope it reflects me. It’s eclectic and highlights my interests. I love speculative fiction, science fiction and a well-written fantasy, but am equally at home with contemporary literature, the classics and American writers (Cather, Kingsolver, Haruf, Carver, Jackson, Whitehead, Powers). Also have a thing for Le Carre, Fleming, Pratchett.. I could go on.

In non-fiction I like historical narratives, particularly related to the Normans, WWII and English medieval, as well as popular science, nature, landscape and the history of modern music.

A house without books in it is a house to be wary of.
Über mich

53.Avid reader all my life. Triggered by Great Expectations and Animal Farm at school, then Tolkien, Le Guin, Eddings, Kay, Asimov, Anderson, Banks... and the beat goes on.

I have written for various online music magazines (LP and concert reviews, interviews and articles). I am a Faber Academy alumni, currently working on my debut novel.

London, UK
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