
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 31, 2016
Bürgerlicher Name
Paul C Mott
Über meine Bibliothek
A little of everything and a lot of some; not much of western, romance, and horror genres, but plenty of utopia/dystopia and religious fiction and nonfiction. Professional reading is fun reading too. Hard copy preferred, but plenty of electronic reading too. All time favorite authors include Spider Robinson, Robert Heinlein, Robert Parker, Patricia Cornwell, John Saul, David Palmer, and Timothy Zahn. I also have loads of written and visual media about my favorite sport to watch: figure skating.
Über mich
Avid reader since age 3, former MENSA member/social worker/EMT, I've worked in a variety of fields. I'm currently studying emergency management at a local university while also struggling with various disabling health issues. I am exploring my dual nature as a Christian and an Empath. I plan to take my research and life story and write a book about this particular journey. My Facebook blog: A'Pauled - A Shared Life Journey tells of these aspects of life and more...
I'm adding this note both as an update and because of some of my recent requests:
I discovered the television show "Scorpion" a few months ago, and it describes many of my life experiences, albeit in fiction form. I am one of those "enabled" or "gifted" people who has always struggled to "fit in" to a world filled with people who are not like me. I have been compared more than once to a television character named Sheldon. This is now a key part of my life journey.

Like some of you, I have much on my "to read" list. I will provide all promised reviews as soon as possible.
Moorhead MN USA
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