
fiction (9), irish (3), thriller (3), American fiction (3), detective (2), new york (2), gay (2), family (2), childhood (2), murder (1), 20th century (1), drag (1), prague (1), black humour (1), code (1), climate of fear (1), globalisation (1), jews (1), tragedy (1), death (1), Blair's Britain (1), american cities (1), 17th Century England (1), ireland (1), dishes (1), wwii (1), hustling (1), western powers (1), cruising (1), memoir (1), paisley (1), seedy (1), short stories (1), male love (1), sumerian (1), witchhunt (1), holocaust (1), dublin (1), london (1), People (1), irish literature RUC informers catholic north of ireland secrets poetic (1), historical fiction astronomy science kepler laws (1), greece fiction wwii romance war music nazis italian (1), thriller philosophical zoo psychological human condition endurance (1), irish literature edwardian coming-of-age gay (1), irish literature modernist comic experimental (1), irish literature spy ring british wwii art thatcher (1), modernist irish literature jew stylistic dublin day (1), adultery woman irish literature flaubert catholic (1), miracle irish literature thriller catholic (1), religious thriller irish political caribbean (1), historical native american canada thriller irish (1), American black slavery women ghost poetic (1), Epic (1), paris (1), South America (1), Family (1), War (1), 18th Century (1), Vegetarian (1), American (1), Religion (1), History (1), Fiction (1), unionist (1), british spy ring (1), Russia (1), hostage (1), american novel (1), sex abuse (1), dorset (1), neocon (1), cover-up (1), suicide (1), modernist (1), imperialism (1), injustice (1), sex (1), paranoia (1), future (1), politics (1), 1950s (1), comic books (1), 1930s (1), ciphers (1), English fiction (1), religious (1), racism (1), american (1), conspiracy (1), bittersweet (1), allegory (1), history (1), satire (1), loss (1), love (1), hero (1), epic (1), humour (1), classic (1), coming of age (1), mystery (1), 19th century (1), rape (1), post 9/11 (1), female hero (1), anecdotal (1), england (1), humane (1), WW11 (1), multiple narrative (1), sexist (1), joycean (1), Northern Ireland (1), realist (1), superheros (1), Irish fiction (1), noir (1), nazis (1), food (1), lyric (1), black (1), africa (1), opera (1), eastern europe (1), underworld (1), picaresque (1), military (1), haunted (1), cults (1), Napoleon (1), fate (1), creative (1), aspergers syndrome (1), poetry (1), seasonal (1), congo thriller love story irish fiction political historical (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 22, 2006

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