
Über meine Bibliothek
Avid reader with fairly eclectic tastes. I enjoy a good potboiler as much as more worthy offerings and won't worry if I've not read the latest critics' darlings!
Only just discovered LibraryThing so working my way around....
Über mich
Living in Worcestershire, enjoying retirement though it came early and unplanned for health reasons. Have moved from a career in educational technology into volunteer work with the local wildlife trust and Biological Records Office among other activities. Apart from reading, I particularly enjoy music, photography, travel, cookery and nature. I play the piano cheerfully but really, really badly nowadays, gained LRPS this year so the photography is improving, and I think I cook pretty well!
Worcestershire, UK
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Bibliotheken: Droitwich Spa Library

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Roobee1 hat hinzugefügt
Roobee1 hat hinzugefügt
Roobee1 hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
Roobee1 hat hinzugefügt und bewertet