
Jul 30, 2018
Über mich

I live in Oklahoma, but I really love to go off exploring with my husband and four children. We have two Australian shepherds, a tabby cat, and a snake named Nancy. 

I wrote my first story on my mother’s electric typewriter when I was fourteen years old. I knew romance was the way for her to go fairly early on, thanks to my love of all things happily ever after. My favorite literary heroines are Elizabeth Bennet, Anne Elliot, Anne Shirley, and Jo March.

I graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s in English, and an emphasis on British literature. I met and married my husband not long after and we've been building our happily ever after since that day.

Vincent Van Gogh is attributed with the quote, “What is done in love is done well.” I've made that my motto, for myself and my characters, writing stories where love is a choice each person must make, and then go forward with hope to obtain a life of happiness and joy.

Oklahoma, USA
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