
Über meine Bibliothek

My library includes books that: I am currently reading, on my TBR (to be read), want to buy (so badly), and books I liked and did not like.

Hopefully it shows a range of books with accurate reviews that will intrigue people. I aim to be as diverse as possible and as thorough as possible with this library :)

I run a bookstagram page:

And a website blog for all your bookish needs:

Über mich


I am an English Literature student about to finish my degree. Just looking for new books to read and curious about various different genres so I enjoy a wide range of things.

I am an avid reader and just love exploring different forms of literature.

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SerendipitousReader4 hat hinzugefügt, bewertet und rezensiert
SerendipitousReader4 hat folgendes rezensiert, bewertet und hinzugefügt