
Oct 6, 2014
Bürgerlicher Name
Stella Coulson
Über mich
Author of Whitby After After Dark. Loves writing both stories and poetry. Currently working a fantasy/paranormal novel. I've been told on more than one occasion that I am weird (thank you very much) which I don't mind being, now that I'm grown up. I've given up long ago what people think of me.
I am a big reader - I adore books, painting, writing and poetry. I adore Steampunk and I prefer Tesla to Edison. If eternal life ever was possible and came into fruition, I'd spend it learning all I could and watching the world evolve, technology expand and possibly seeing mankind colonise on other worlds. I would see as much of the world as I could and learn new languages, skills and abilities. Would only accept such a gift though if I could share it with someone - For I'd rather live a short life having loved than a eternity without it.

My Philosophy...

I believe happiness depend on those we help and who we bring into our lives, than material superficial gain (for that is fleeting). I adore animals, particularly cats and dogs.

To learn from others to move forward and (try lol) not wallow in self indulgent pity. I aspire to be a better person and the friends I have help me be who I am each and every day.
I adore many types of music from industrial, metal, rock, blues, orchestral to musicals. Some of my favorite musicals being Phantom of the Opera and Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
Manchester, UK
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