Über meine Bibliothek
There is no particular genre of books I like the most since they are each awesome in their own way. However, I have recently been reading a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. After reading a lot of books, plots tend to run together if they're too similar and I lose interest in the book. It's why I choose a book based on its originality (it could be either what is told or how it's told) and characters. No flat characters for me! Unless the plot is just that amazing, anyway. Books that surprise me or just manage to charm me with its characters are usually books that end up being my favorites.
Über mich
I'm just one big BOOKWORM. Seriously, I'm so bad that I'd rather curl up with a good book than go to a party, to my friends' chagrin. Other things I like include running, fencing, video games, performing (I'm in an improv troupe), and sleeping (hehe). And animals, of course. I aspire to be a veterinarian so I can work with them ALL the time. Sadly, I'm not that academically smart so I'll need to work hard!
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