
nonprofits (21), fundraising (20), nonprofit (20), board (12), governance (12), philanthropy (12), management (8), strategic planning (5), scholarships (5), foundations (5), financial aid (4), boards (4), careers (3), directors (3), social change (3), icebreakers (2), incorporation (2), board development (2), donor relations (2), funding (2), stewardship (2), ethics (2), college (2), technology (2), social entrepreneurship (2), branding (2), grant management (2), social media (2), education (2), training (2), development (2), grant (2), marketing (2), statistics (2), grants (2), foundation center (2), ceo (2), leadership (2), guide (2), powerpoint (1), director (1), job (1), strategies (1), human resources (1), organizational effectiveness (1), trustees (1), presentations (1), family (1), manners (1), gift shop (1), boardsource (1), AFP (1), major gift (1), donor cultivation (1), endowment funds (1), Foundation Center (1), twitter (1), Meeting openers (1), etiquette (1), FAFSA (1), employee recognition (1), board governance (1), Human resources (1), Junior League (1), grantseeking (1), student loan (1), compliance (1), ask (1), forecast (1), event planning (1), economy (1), design (1), planning (1), journal (1), enviroment (1), loans (1), collaboration (1), international (1), networking (1), social justice (1), research (1), online (1), motivation (1), scholarship (1), games (1), performance (1), internet (1), career (1), student loans (1), volunteer (1), proposal writing (1), sponsorship (1), grantwriting (1), college board (1), event (1), orientation (1), grantmaking (1), public relations (1), CEO (1), evaluation (1), higher education (1), cause (1), donors (1), foundation (1), campaigns (1), BoardSource (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 8, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Vegso Community Resource Center Grant Library
Über meine Bibliothek
Established as part of the Junior League of Boca Raton, the Grant Library at the Vegso Community Resource Center is a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center, Inc., the nation’s leading authority on private foundations. At no cost to the public, the library provides the most effective and comprehensive research tools available so that community members and nonprofit leaders can identify suitable funders for their organizations.

The collection consists of reference books, journals, and the latest Foundation Directory Online, Grants to Individuals Online, and Foundation Maps databases. In addition to the two Foundation Center databases, the library offers directories and grant guides, government resources, subject guides, information on grants for individuals, and numerous other books pertaining to grantsmanship, nonprofit management, fundraising, and scholarship.

Boca Raton, Florida


Interesante Bibliotheken