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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 7, 2009
Bürgerlicher Name
Sarah Johnson
Über meine Bibliothek
As a child, my parents' library was a room filled with possibility and silence. Nothing was forbidden or denied my curiosity. Books are more important than furniture. In the last few years, my priorities have shifted, so my library is slowly becoming less filled and more well-defined. In the last 2 years, I have removed over half of the books with no intention of replacing them. The shelves speak more clearly to me now that they speak in some kind of unified way. I have begun seeking out Everyman editions of many classics as they are exactly the right size to stick in a cargo pants pocket or shove with a few others into a not-oversized bag.
I would like to own a complete collection of Umberto Eco (including his non-fiction) as well as the Absolute Sandman. More and more I find that the beautiful copies of well-loved books take pride of place in my surroundings.
Über mich
Taker of long walks, knitter of random unidentifiable yarn pieces, fan of the slow-cooker. I am a Nebraskan from Chicago, currently en route to Librarian-hood (at some point) at an as yet undetermined academic institution. Poetry and music and many books fill the air of my home and cats remind me that there are no fixed perspectives from their favorite places under the bathtub and within the buffet.
St. Louis, MO
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Bibliotheken: B. D. Owens Library - Northwest Missouri State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries: Love Library, Western Illinois University - Macomb Campus - Leslie F. Malpass Library


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