Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
Beyond eclectic. Spanning genres from manga to forensic anthropology. Manuals for steam engines of the 1920s to pulp novels of the 70s. I have a real weakness for older books, pre-1900.
Über mich
To put it simply, I'm a knowledge junkie. I've found myself out of work due to chronic migraines, but am taking online classes through edX & MITOpenCourseware, along with a multitude of languages through my local library. I'm an artist of many mediums. I have my kitchen, my garden & animals. Studied as a pagan for many years but have found myself along a more Buddhist path here lately. Am polyamorous & have been for most all of my dating years (ask me about how it got started sometime). Do my own home maintenance when I can (am only slightly out power-tooled by my father). Volunteer with horses & the Humane Society. Have been a computer nerd my entire life - one beat me into my parents' house by mere months. Sell adult novelties as I can. And I frequently find myself writing my reviews out on the back patio, surrounded by my (big) dogs, listening to the cicadas & sipping either coffee or a good stout (depending upon the time of day).
Versailles, KY
Auch auf
("Hannelore77"), deviantART, Facebook, LiveJournal, Second Life ("Breidaia Vlodovic"), Tumblr, Twitter, Wordpress
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Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Man-O-War, Half Price Books #088 - Hamburg Pavillion, Half Price Books #116 - Fayette Place, Joseph-Beth Booksellers - Lexington, Sqecial Media

Bibliotheken: Lexington Public Library - Central Library, Woodford County Library - Main Library

