
fiction (61), urban fantasy (41), fantasy (39), booker prize (35), paranormal (30), vampires (26), supernatural (22), mystery (15), historical fiction (13), 2009 (10), TBR (10), dark fantasy (10), british (7), demons (7), werewolves (6), witches (6), ghosts (5), succubus (5), contemporary fiction (5), magic (5), angels (4), time travel (4), literary (4), read (4), thursday next (4), alternate history (4), literary fiction (4), humour (4), alternate reality (4), YA (4), Southern Vampire Series (3), Irish (3), southern (3), Ireland (3), thriller (3), Sookie Stackhouse (3), England (3), Supernatural (3), London (3), history (3), autographed (3), Irish fiction (2), poland (2), Russia (2), crime fiction (2), Early Reviewer (2), british collection (2), New York City (2), wereworlves (2), shapeshifters (2), contemporary literature (2), religion (2), horror (2), romance (2), england (2), Judaism (1), favorites (1), suspense (1), Sweden (1), UK (1), alchemy (1), australia (1), mythology (1), salem (1), favourites (1), crime (1), Booker Prize (1), tbr (1), spain (1), anthology (1), humor (1), dragons (1), modern fantasy (1), emgland (1), British (1), spanish (1), mystery/suspense (1), epic fantasy (1), war (1), psychological thriller (1), medical (1), spirituality (1), Victorian England (1), art (1), historical fantasy (1), magical realism (1), science fiction (1), world war II (1), autobiography (1), music (1), steampunk (1), non-fiction (1), Soviet Union (1), paranormal romance (1), buddhism (1), parallel universe (1), Dublin (1), gothic (1), young adult (1), short stories (1), mediums (1), judaism (1), booker longlist (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 15, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
As for the books listed.. I own them all. I need to weed out a few. As you can probably guess, I have serious issue with "not having enough space".

"Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?" - Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887)


Über mich
Hiya! I cannot believe I neglected updating my profile for so long. I am terrible at this - I never know what to say. :) I'm 29 years old & well, I'm a bookworm. I have carried a book with me for as long as I can remember. I'm always reading something. Before I could read, I used to take pens/crayons/pencils to books & "rewrite" them. (Basically, scribbling jibberish over things & telling myself my own stories outloud.) My parents used to record these "story sessions" - they really are jibberish. It makes me cringe to think I used to scribble in books, though! ;) I could never do that now.

Well, as you can probably tell... I ramble. A bit! ;)

I'm going to try to keep up with this.

If anyone has any recommendations - please drop me a line! I love recommendations. :)

- I am currently trying to update my library. I have neglected it a little bit lately. (I am horrible at tagging.) :)
South Carolina
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