
Nov 21, 2022
Bürgerlicher Name
Airreia Pierce
Über meine Bibliothek

Meet Sweet Tea Bear who begins the first book in the series and whose loving personality is shown throughout the actions in the story. Children will enjoy discovering ways that they too can demonstrate love to others and learning a simple prayer!

May this book series support families as their children grow in life and cherish the memories for years to come!

Über mich

Airreia is a gentle, soft-spoken, and sweet woman who is sensitive to the hearts of others with a pure heart for God. She has a reason to smile because the joy of the Lord is her strength.

Behind her smile the Lord has held her precious hand through many dark storms—battles of insecurity, depression, low self-esteem and identity issues, rejection, verbal abuse, evictions, homelessness, poverty, divorce of parents, heartbreak, grief, fornication, addictions, fear, family brokenness, suicidal thoughts, infertility/miscarriages, and barriers in emotional healing, spiritual intimacy, and physical development. The Lord has preserved her through the storms of life to testify of His great power, redemption, and unconditional love. She strongly believes that she overcomes by the word of testimony and the blood of the lamb (Revelations 12:11).

As the Bible says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” It was obedience that made her leave her interior design major for the education major in which God revealed His plan to teach His little children. She is a first-generation student who was able to graduate from both undergraduate and graduate school debt-free.

It was also obedience that made her refrain from fornication and seek deliverance through Jesus Christ. This decision enabled her to encourage others to also live a life of purity in mind, body, soul, and speech. Obedience also led her to leave her boyfriend, to later meet her husband. Airreia is a modern-day Harriet Tubman, leading others from darkness and brokenness towards the light, Jesus Christ, to experience deliverance and wholeness.

Airreia believes she is an ordinary lady used by God to do extraordinary. Her joy in life comes from seeing how God can use her to help others through teaching, writing, or speaking. She is amazed at how God’s unconditional love has been poured out to her and she wants to be a vessel of His love to others. No past is too messed up that Christ can not repair. God is the true potter and we are the clay that He uses to mold, shape, refine, and define into His liking.


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