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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 22, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Anna Christine
Über meine Bibliothek
Did I mention I like to read? My all time favorite book is Walk Two Moons. I got it when I was in fifth grade and loved it. I also really like the Harry Potter books. Harry Potter is just one of those books that you get lost in and you just can't seem to put it down, even after you have read it. It feels like I have read them a million times but I know it has only been seven or eight each. I was so excited when the final book and the fifth movie came out this summer. I loved how it all ended. My new favorite books are the Twilight series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn). They are amazingly addictive. I haven't felt this way about a book since I was twelve. I don't think I will be able to wait how ever long it will take Stephenie Meyer to finish writing Midnight Sun (Edwards version of Twilight.) Although I must say The Host, Stephenie Meyer's latest book is my new favorite. This summer I also really got into MaryJanice Davidson's work. I love the Undead series and Fred the mermaid series. Although I think Under Cover would have to be my favorite from her so far. I'm still waiting for the local book store to get some more of her books in. And there is aways Janet Evanovich's Number Series and Sue Grafton's Alphabet Mysteries. My mom got me into those and I'm really starting to like the murder myster angle. Besides Stephanie Plum cracks me up and Kinsey Millhone is the shit.
So as you can see my library is filled with books with magic or vampires as the main theme and that is probably where it will continue to head, but no worries, if it's a good book I'll probably read it.
Über mich
Hey, my name is Anna. I'm an open book... Well, except for a few pages I burned a while back... Just kidding. I'm twenty-one now and I have moved sixteen times. If you have ever seen The Perfect Man I am just like Hilary Duffs character. “The Teenage Gypsy” accept in my case my dad's job moves us around. I went to four different schools in my six grade year. And I'm a master packer if I do say so myself. We just moved again in May and I'm sure it won't be the last. So my family has moved a lot to say the least. I just ended my junior year of college and everything is going great so far. I am majoring in Art Education and I have no idea what to minor in yet. I'm not sure where I want to teach yet. I have few ties to the midwest so I'm up for a change in location. Of course my dream job would be owning my very own book store. Since I'm in school right now mostly I just go to class and do my homework and when I have time I hang out with my friends. I also talk to my family a lot. Their really important to me. Which doesn't always leave a lot of time for reading, but I spend most of the summer (when I'm not working) catching up.
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