
friendship (14), family (12), school (8), multicultural (4), acceptance (4), winter (3), accepting differences (2), emotions (2), informational (2), bullying (2), rhyming (2), mystery (2), West African village (1), boy and girl friendship (1), listening to your parents (1), dealing with bullying (1), friends fighting (1), thinking for yourself (1), preservation and conservation (1), everyone is different (1), Chinese symbols (1), children (1), Midwest (1), lumberman (1), relationships with friends and family (1), friends moving away (1), moving to another country (1), Mexican (1), Polish (1), British (1), famous quotes (1), celebrating differences (1), picture day (1), spanish words (1), Greek (1), finding your talents (1), spider and lizard (1), information about animals (1), how does skin work (1), Macy's Day Parade history (1), searching for a mom (1), making tacos (1), girl in Kindergarten (1), India compared to America (1), siblings of those with disabilities (1), getting a bath (1), overcoming boundaries (1), Indian girl living in America (1), Protestant and Catholic conflict (1), how does skin help you (1), chores on a farm (1), famous sights in America (1), different types of farming (1), seasons of farming (1), girl who loves science and inventing (1), sea and air animals (1), behaving for your teacher (1), dealing with fights with your friend (1), dealing with separation from a friend (1), winning the chief's daughter (1), Asian-American culture (1), Emperor and his people (1), always be truthful (1), why and how it rains (1), dealing with death (1), Chinese culture (1), interactive book (1), dog (1), pen pals (1), work ethic (1), penguins (1), mice (1), individuality (1), bears (1), city (1), environment (1), peer pressure (1), land (1), autism (1), life cycle (1), responsibility (1), segregation (1), dancing (1), sisters (1), animals (1), Ireland (1), science (1), adventures (1), love (1), dragons (1), spanish (1), bird (1), sharing (1), interesting facts (1), getting into trouble (1), Christmas (1), African-American (1), farming (1), father and son (1), loving family (1), photographic memory (1), telling the truth (1), silly story (1), Hanukkah (1), classmates (1), chicken (1), pet (1), sea turtles (1), characteristics (1), speech bubbles (1), barn (1), Martin Luther King Jr. (1), tall tale (1), uniqueness (1), tornadoes (1), bad day (1), stuffed animal (1), hardships (1), being proud of traditions (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 6, 2014

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