
fiction (398), nonfiction (185), series (154), young adult (126), fantasy (124), adventure (73), humor (55), short stories (44), mystery (39), bibliophilia (35), children's literature (34), crafts (29), romance (26), cookbook (25), memoir (25), signed (24), history (24), art (22), writing (20), knitting (19), Green Dragon (19), classic literature (19), urban fantasy (18), graphic novel (17), American literature (17), culture (16), anthology (16), science fiction (15), zine (14), magical realism (13), essays (12), fairy tales (12), poetry (11), British literature (10), British (10), apocalyptic fiction (9), reference (9), sci-fi (9), dark comedy (8), lifestyle (8), biography (8), companion novel (8), absurdist comedy (8), music (7), science (7), horror (7), historical fiction (7), film (6), cross genre (5), France (5), physics (5), collage art (4), mythology (4), sewing (4), children's (4), food (4), LGBTQIA (4), Shakespeare (4), Indian literature (4), French literature (4), satire (4), book club (3), travel (3), feminism (3), African American literature (3), songbook (3), sapphic (3), queer lit (3), play (3), drinks (3), vampires (3), Latin American literature (3), circus arts (3), mountain dulcimer (3), spinning (2), comedy (2), audiobook (2), epistolary (2), gothic horror (2), crochet (2), theater (2), journal (2), Japanese literature (2), creativity (2), romantic comedy (2), cartography (2), literary criticism (2), mental health (2), Russian literature (1), entomology (1), gothic romance (1), Canadian literature (1), folk horror (1), new adult (1), Weetzie Bat (1), Spanish literature (1), trivia (1), tarot (1), companion story (1), Christmas (1), Jewish American literature (1), photography (1), nanowrimo (1), zombies (1), ebook (1), pop culture (1), puzzle (1), comic (1), folklore (1), dystopia (1), psychology (1), Southern fiction (1), novella (1), western (1), picture book (1), bento (1), geology (1), health (1), Nigeria (1), African literature (1), South African literature (1), dance (1), workbook (1), postcards (1), literary puzzle (1), creative living (1), coloring book (1), dark academia (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 4, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
Pretty much a hodgepodge, just like me. I've got everything from Jane Austen to sci-fi (I'm a major Douglas Adams groupie!) to absurdist comedy.

note: unrated books are unread as of yet
Über mich
Creative writing graduate from the College of Santa Fe. Aside from reading and writing, I love dancing, on stage or off. I've been in four musicals, so far. I'd like to be a Rockette someday! And that's pretty much the only thing I know I want to do with my life yet. After that, who knows! Pretty scary, considering I've graduated! (And for the record, that's not me in the picture. Wish I'd thought of it first, though! You can see more of the artist's work at )
Santa Fe
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Sonstige: College of Santa Fe

