Bürgerlicher Name
Barbara J. Mitchell
Über meine Bibliothek
I have a standing collection of history, mostly US 19th century and women's history. In and out go mysteries and other novels which I buy at book sales or Amazon.com or the local bookstores. The only novels I keep are historical fiction and/or books by friends and/or favorite authors such as Hal Borland and Robert B. Parker.
Über mich
I'm an amateur historian who is addicted to mysteries. I live in PA, and I'm a retired medical transcriptionist, semi-active freelance writer. I'm the author of O Fairest Monticello, non-fiction account of Monticello Preparatory School and College, Godfrey, IL. I have also written an online self help book about headaches, as well as many magazine articles. I was editor of Business Digest in Waterbury, CT.
Northeast Pennsylvania, Endless Mountains Region
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