
format: pb (70), religion (62), non-fiction (53), fiction (33), christianity (29), format: hc (22), about writing (21), TO BE REVIEWED (20), author: Ursula K. LeGuin (18), history (14), memoir (14), catholic (14), judaism (12), format: mmpb (12), author: C. S. Lewis (11), islam (10), buddhism (10), anthology (8), science fiction (8), reference (8), taoism (8), classic (8), where: gift (7), fantasy (7), hinduism (7), essays (7), collection (7), bible (7), multifaith (7), Hainish Cycle (7), short stories (6), vietnam war dogs (6), grammar (6), vietnam (6), dogs (6), author: Karen Armstrong (6), check cover later (6), art (5), author: Huston Smith (5), reviewed! (5), fixed form prose (5), nyt bestseller (4), about ancient texts (4), priest (4), language (4), format: hc (no dust jacket) (4), check tags later (4), protestant (3), children's (3), eastern orthodox (3), earth-based religions (3), zorastrianism (3), biography (3), confucianism (3), scandal (3), etc (3), textbook (3), monotheism (3), jesus christ (3), condition: signed copy (2), nyt (2), holiday (2), Writer's Digest Books (2), pbs (2), author: Amy Tan (2), united states (2), gospel of judas (2), catechism (2), sikhism (2), american religion (2), benedictine (2), speculative fiction (2), where: from family collection (2), symbolism (2), architecture (2), travel (2), holy places (2), format: pb (small) (2), format: hc (small) (2), inspirational (2), poetry (2), zen/chan (2), author: Stephen Mitchell (2), passover (2), judas (2), non-fiction writing (2), virgin mary (2), dictionary (2), shinto (2), philosophy (2), interfaith (2), writing exercises (2), jainism (2), nun (2), tibetian buddhism (2), condition: poor (1), author: L. M. Montgomery (1), about fantasy & sf writing (1), multiple books in one (1), author: Gail Carson Levine (1), author: George Orwell (1), author: His Holiness the Dalai Lama (1), author: Isaac Asimov (1), miss wisconsin (1), author: Michael Crichton (1), author: Ray Bradbury (1), author: Stephen King (1), condition: signed copy (personalized) (1), format: pb (large) (1), movies/film (1), parenting (1), modern illuminated manuscript (1), multicultural (1), saints (1), style manual (1), monastic (1), military history (1), world war II (1), cults (1), novella (1), jesuit (1), gender (1), dystopia/utopia (1), words (1), politics (1), teaching (1), catholicism (1), juvenilia (1), muhammad (1), self-published (1), youth catechism (1), abraham (1), western perspective (1), rosh hashana (1), Frank McCourt (1), world war I (1), korean war (1), mythology (1), wicca (1), visions (1), moses (1), status: on loan (1), radio broadcast (1), chanuka (1), fiction writing (1), yom kippur (1), american history (1), abstinence (1), where: ARC freebie (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 30, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
June Marsh
Über meine Bibliothek
You can read more about my experiences with librarything here. Since LibraryThing has thus far more than lived up to its reputation, I do intend to purchase a lifetime membership and eventually upload my entire collection.

To make divisions easier, everything is currently tagged into one of these five categories: fiction, non-fiction, reference, classic, or memoir. Eventually poetry will be a sixth category, and possibly drama. All reference is understood to be in the non-fiction category. Classics may also be tagged under another category if I feel the need.

I have several subcollections, and I'm mainly adding those first as I still have not yet gotten a paid account. Subcollections include religion, vietnam war dogs, and fixed form prose. I define subcollections as books that A)I am actively collecting, and/or B)I have more than 25 of. Generally subcollections are shelved rather than boxed and will be found together in their own section.

I also am tagging by author any authors who I expect to have many books by, or those whom I purposefully collect. Examples include L. M. Montgomery and Ursula K. LeGuin. If there are only one or two books tagged with an author's name, I probably have not yet entered the majority of that person's books. Although I'm aware that I can sort by author's name, the advantage of this method is that I can also tag anthologies that contain pieces by these authors, or books to which they have written a forward or prolouge.

Reviewed books now have their own tag, as do books that are languishing on my to be reviewed pile. I'm trying to first select books that have few reviews in order to add to the overall quality of LibraryThing. Although I only have a few reviews up right now, this will increase both as I review new books, and as I add books to my library and move the old review from my livejournal over here.

I edit my LT reviews to be three paragraphs or less, and I may make other changes, although some have barely differed from the lj version, others are greatly altered. And I try to ensure that all of them are well written and understandable!

A general explanation of my ratings:
1 star = Not recommended to anybody. Poorly written, etc.
2 stars = Not too bad, could be enjoyed circumstantially.
3 stars = This book was okay, it didn't sway me either way.
4 stars = This was a good book, recommended.
5 stars = Excellent book, blew me away, highly recommended.

Half ratings fall in between, of course. Generally most of the books I own will be 4 or 4.5 stars, with a few fives or threes. I don't think I own any 2 star books. Any book with a rating is one I've read completely or (in the case of reference books) used frequently. Those without ratings are unread, currently reading, etc.
Über mich
Where can I begin? I love to read and also enjoy writing. You can find out more about me by going to my livejournal.
Wisconsin, USA
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