
Benjamin (14), Biography -- Franklin (11), Henry (10), Biography -- Adams (8), Biography -- Clay (8), James G. (7), Biography -- Burr (7), Biography -- Bush (7), Biography -- Hoover (6), Biography -- Blaine (5), Herbert (5), Aaron (5), George H. W. (5), Charles (4), Biography -- Carey (4), Biography -- Griffith (4), Biography -- Churchill (4), Biography -- Gandhi (4), Arthur (4), Biography -- Edison (4), Mohandas (3), Biography -- Harriman (3), Alexander Dallas (3), Biography -- Garfield (3), James A.; and Blaine (3), Biography -- Bache (3), Allen (3), Edward (3), John Fitzgerald (2), Biography -- Eisenhower (2), Winson (2), Henry Charles (2), Biography -- Gallatin (2), Ulysses S. (2), Biography -- Belmont (2), George W. (2), Biography -- Donovan (2), Otto von (2), Biography -- Doheny (2), Dwight David (2), Thomas Alva (2), Jennie (2), August; and Rothschild family (2), Mathew (2), Biography -- Coolidge (2), Biography -- Bismarck (2), Biography -- Carnegie (2), At the time of his death (2), 1889 (2), Biography -- Cleveland (2), Andrew (2), John (2), John Quincy (2), Grover (2), he was pursuing a case before the Interstate Commerce Commission on behalf of a private client against the Standard Oil trust. In the course of these hearings (2), James (2), Gowen cross-examined John D. Rockefeller. Franklin B. Gowen died of a gunshot wound to the head on Dec. 13 (2), at Wormley's Hotel in Washington (2), Biography -- Alexander the great (1), Chester Alan (1), Biography -- Arthur (1), Biography -- Boulton (1), Biography -- Robinson (1), Biography -- Lindbergh (1), Biography -- Anderson (1), Biography -- Joan of Arc (1), Biography -- Holmes (1), Edgar; and Bronfman (1), Biography -- Astor family; and John Jacob Astor (1), Biography -- Andersen (1), Biography -- Astor (1), Biography -- Berdyaev (1), Matthew; and Franklin (1), Michael O. (1), Biography -- Bell (1), Biography -- Bateson (1), Biography -- Baring (1), Biography -- Brahms (1), Biography -- Bancroft (1), Biography -- Biddle (1), Lyndon H.; and Billington (1), Biography -- Boone (1), Mary; and Dulles (1), Biography -- LaRouche (1), Biography -- Beethoven (1), Biography -- Bach (1), Biography -- Black Abolitionists (19th century) (1), Biography -- Augustine (1), James G.; and Logan (1), John Quincy; and Adams family (1), David (1), Biography -- Adams family (1), Biography -- Hankey (1), D.C. There still remains some controversy as to whether his death was by suicide or homicide. Biography -- Grant (1), Biography -- Grant (1), Biography -- Greeley (1), Biography -- Gwin (1), Biography -- Halifax (1), 3rd Viscount - Irwin (1), 1st Baron - Wood (1), Edward Frederick Lindley (1), Biography -- Hammond (1), John Hays (1), Sir Maurice (1), D.C. There still remains some controversy as to whether his death was by suicide or homicide. Biography -- Gracchi (1), Pamela Churchill -- Mrs. Averell Harriman (1), Biography -- Haupt (1), General Herman (1), Biography -- Hay (1), Biography -- Hayes (1), Biography -- Heine (1), Biography -- Helper (1), Hinton Rowan (1), Biography -- Hines (1), Biography -- Hopkins (1), Marius and Sully (1), Biography -- Gowen (1), John Quincy; and Adams (1), Biography -- Galbraith (1), Biography -- Acheson (1), Biography -- Ford (1), Henry; and Edison (1), Biography -- Fosdick (1), Harry Emerson; and Rockefeller Family (1), Political economy/philosophy/psychology (1), Biography -- Frick (1), Biography -- Fulbright (1), Biography -- Fulton (1), Robert; and Franklin (1), McGeorge; and Bundy (1), Biography -- Goldwater (1), John Kenneth; and Kennedy (1), Albert; and Jefferson (1), Thomas; and Madison (1), Albert; and Gallatin (1), James (son of Albert) (1), Biography -- Garrison (1), James; and Kennedy (1), Biography - de Gaulle (1), Biography -- Gibbon (1), Biography -- Goldman (1), Biography -- Goldmann (1), Biography -- Bronfman family; and Bronfman (1), Biography -- Cohn (1), Biography -- Bundy (1), Charles Francis (1), Franklin (1), Thomas Jefferson (1), Daniel (1), William (1), Hans Christian (1), Roy (1), Dean (1), Marian (1), Louisa (1), Indira (1), Ralph Waldo (1), Nahum (1), Saint (1), Sam (1), Horace (1), Calvin (1), Gregory (1), Franklin D. (1), Ludwig van (1), John Jacob (1), John A. (1), William J. (1), Emma (1), Albert (1), William McKendree (1), Rutherford (1), Thomas (1), Richard (1), Jonathan (1), Max (1), Joseph (1), Johannes (1), Johann Sebastian (1), Nicholas (1), Abraham (1), Barry (1), Josephus (1), Drexel (1), Frederick (1), J. Edgar (1), Thomas Henry (1), Heinrich (1), Paul Laurence (1), Alexander Graham (1), Evelyn (1), Nicolas (1), Oliver Wendell (1), Henry Clay (1), Alexandre (1), James Francis (1), Averell (1), Alexander; and Jefferson (1), Biography -- Cobden (1), Biography -- Disraeli (1), Biography -- Devoy (1), Biography -- Debs (1), Eugens (1), Biography -- Daniels (1), Biography -- Cusa (1), Nicolaus of (1), Biography -- Corvo (1), Biography -- Cooke (1), Morris Llewellyn (1), Henry; and Lincoln (1), Biography -- Dodge (1), Biography -- Choate (1), Biography -- Cavour (1), Count of (Benso (1), Camillo) (1), Biography -- Catherine II (1), Czarina (Catherine the Great) (1), Biography -- Byrnes (1), Biography -- Bush family; and Dulles (1), Aaron; and Burr family (1), Aaron; and Hamilton (1), Grenville M. (1), Biography -- Doheny family (1), Amelia Boynton (1), Thomas Alva; and Batchelor (1), Pamela Churchill (1), Biography -- Flint (1), Biography -- Farragut (1), Biography -- Erasmus (1), Biography -- Emerson (1), Biography -- Einstein (1), Biography -- Edwards (1), Biography -- Edward VII (1), Grosvenor Porter (1), Thomas Alva; and Lowrey (1), Thomas Alva; and Bell (1), Francis Gary (1), Alexander Graham; and others (1), Biography -- Dunbar (1), Biography -- Dumas (1), Biography -- Duke Family (1), Biography -- Dulles (1), Biography -- Drexel (1), Anthony J. (1), Francis Martin (1), Biography -- Douglass (1), James; and Abel (1), Rudolf; and Powers (1), Harry; and Roosevelt (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 15, 2017