
non-fiction (245), fiction (201), 2009 (80), eRead (68), 2010 (65), history (59), 2020 (58), politics (42), 2008 (36), 2011 (34), philosophy (33), 2017 (27), 2018 (26), economics (23), 2023 (19), 2014 (17), 2021 (17), 2012 (16), 2013 (14), 2019 (13), graphic novel (12), 2015 (11), 2016 (11), secondary source (9), sociology (7), school (6), military (5), mystery (5), culture (5), short stories (5), journalism (5), education (5), murderbot (4), biography (4), religion (4), globalization (3), boy superman with fascist dad ends up ok (3), business (3), personal finance (3), memoir (3), capitalism (3), natural selection (3), dystopia (3), sci-fi (3), wall street (3), prolly shoulda read more primary sources (3), anthropology (3), gutenberg (3), flashback (3), science fiction (3), english history (3), journalist tryin to do non-fiction (2), blockchain (2), 2022 (2), english civil war (2), multiculturalism (2), conservative (2), mythology (2), alex cross (2), needs editing (2), white trash culture (2), critical race theory (2), dated (2), marxism (2), writing (2), food (2), funny (2), historical fiction (2), socialism (2), finance (2), economic history (2), first novel (2), literary theory (2), thought-provoking (2), law (2), fun (2), mass production (2), corrupt bureaucrats again (1), bad plotting (1), colonialist assholery (1), weird mystery romance energy without romantic activity (1), other ideologies are possible (1), doesn't follow up on threads they should've (1), its all just content to sell advertising against (1), snipers again (1), distracting asides (1), felt a little like Great Expectations (1), felt like an overly simplistic analysis (1), realities are shared and social (1), a little sadistic (1), the internet gets shut down - fight back with a new internet (1), needlessly complicated plot line (1), made me want to read source material (1), dark web false advertising (1), reacher hunting davey crocketts (1), not sure what to think about class commentary (1), ameristan (1), minds map consciousness onto geography (1), ruby ridge scenario (1), dea nah atf (1), sniper attacks in southern indiana (1), two fake kidnappings (1), vice presidential assassination attempts (1), dimensionality as deus ex machina (1), nobody messes with the military police (1), first blood ripoff (1), end times preacher gets reachered (1), border vigilantes (1), reacher vs afghani tribeswomen in nyc (1), villian is an fbi profiler from indiana state (1), air force drugs in south dakota (1), telegraphed more than usual (1), lame mythology (1), nebraskan sexual perverts (1), limbic capitalism (1), reacher actually leaves the military (1), midnight trains (1), houses are a liability (1), epstein didn't kill himself (1), sci-fi attached to a bloated boring fantasy - two books in one (1), hitchhiking gone wrong (1), really this is a small (1), almost everyone is undercover (1), nobody messes with the military police squared (1), fantasy grind fail (1), reacher leaves the military (1), interesting but out of practice and lots over my head (1), leverage and derivates (1), refusal to share the fruits of globalism is breeding facism (1), puts too much on reader (1), no-equity mortgages (1), government refusal to support (1), adds up to nothing (1), prisons are new caste system (1), gadfly more than a philosopher (1), every chapter new PoV (1), technology is modifying epistemology but our author is mostly concerned about how it'll affect fiction (1), should have been a ~20 page article (1), kids are overscheduled (1), where does all the law kids enthusiasm go (1), author is public policy guy not lawyer (1), poorly formatted for eReader (1), thinks too highly of itself (1), patton is funny (1), challenged at IndyPL (1), review committee (1), kafka george michael (1), Japanese Holden Caulfield (1), never is caught himself (1), nerdier and tamer Outlander (1), Viking raid on Walmart (1), we catch each other (1), lots of silly hypotheticals (1), maybe world just agrees so seems less radical (1), conclusions proceed logically from premises (1), nice points about CDC and essential worker nonsense (1), occasionally Michael Moore ish (1), campaign against loyalty (1), reacher tracks down a wounded vet addicted to opioids (1), CEO as fraternity president (1), investigating family history (1), terrible bow hunting people plot (1), clever and ruthless and wise (1), mobsters and health insurance scams (1), history of wacko republicanism (1), race science can't be extracted from race politics and race culture (1), not really a bot or a murder bot (1), web bulb temperature (1), kinda realistic future saving (1), but blockchain though (1), democrat lobbyist reflections (1), interesting bits about financial reform (1), mary sue but still good (1), calculated to appeal to white conservatives (1), history of racism embedded in United States naturalization laws (1), all critique no substance (1), galaxy hitchiking freddie mercury sings for our souls (1), better and worse than expected (1), racism affects everyone (1), drained the pools rather than share (1), salt sugar fat (1), didn't like overall organization and little new material (1), no mouth breathing (1), yeah we get it (1), more of a timeline than actually drilling down (1), don't read any more reacher books (1), a bit sadistic (1), bannon as brains of operation (1), hidden figures meets seveneves without hard sci-fi (1), medusa (1), media theory (1), stoic (1), short essays (1), money management (1), wealth building (1), short read (1), LBO (1), James Buchanan (1), breathing (1), complaints (1), really bad (1), breezy (1), brains (1), The Wire (1), political history (1), counterfeiting (1), collection of articles (1), collected essays (1), controversial (1), korean (1), Nebula nominee (1), oral history (1), epistolary (1), conservatism (1), extensive (1), campus novel (1), food addiction (1), 70s (1), classics (1), good (1), light (1), required reading (1), interesting (1), feminism (1), government (1), essay (1), introduction (1), too long (1), great start (1), misogyny (1), lecture (1), cute (1), lgbt (1), multiple worlds (1), rambling (1), moral philosophy (1), self-help (1), very readable (1), chemicals (1), investing (1), almost perfect (1), full length (1), portfolio management (1), long term capital management (1), rambling blog content poorly edited (1), lots of McLuhan (1), history of libertarian thought (1), alternatively insightful and hair-pulling (1), misogyny as enforcer of the patriarchy (1), habits of the wealthy (1), wealth as offense/defense (1), cultivate artificial scarcity (1), could not sustain itself (1), hand-made Irish tablecloth (1), Doel like Noel (1), frequent early brilliance (1), psychology of investing (1), Orwell was wrong Huxley was right (1), time to change power (1), we are willingly hooked into the Matrix (1), building new pathways (1), lancelot on a quest for sin (1), everything is terrible and nobody is evil (1), trade deficits as foreign policy not economic policy (1), gets weaker as it approaches the present (1), there are certain things that cannot be adequately explained to a virgin either by words or pictures (1), memilmuk for the dokkaebi (1), nano-bonded (1), didn't buy the society (1), private employment (1), lectures turned into essays (1), don't get the controversy (1), Hugo nominee (1), gay panic (1), George Mason (1), spellcasting (1), kermit roosevelt (1), eread (1), lapsometer (1), not what I expected (1), weak plotting (1), beginners literature (1), DEI (1), pay yourself first (1), tummo (1), mohammed mossadegh (1), favorite tv show (1), needs an editor badly (1), vomit zombie (1), pauline boty (1), mia in vietnam (1), trump as tragic figure (1), jarvanka (1), so goddamn dark (1), athenian earth vs. spartan mars vs. proletariat belters vs. ALIENS (1), fun-house mirror collage of the patriarchy (1), weak characters (1), weather on the ones (1), Maenads with laser beams (1), three hundred per pound by 2050 (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Nov 20, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Chris Murray
Über meine Bibliothek
I use LibraryThing to track my personal reading since 2008. Tags are intentionally used as idiosyncratic memory aids.
Über mich
I have worked for the Indianapolis Public Library in a variety of roles since 2006. I am currently working as a collection development librarian.
Indianapolis, IN

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