
manga (70), fiction (30), josei (25), seinen (22), dark fantasy (14), shojo (12), non-fiction (11), ya (8), memoir (8), american lit (8), horror (7), loaned not owned (6), japanese literature (5), graphic novel (5), guro (5), historical fiction (4), shonen (4), history (4), Jewish literature (3), holocaust (3), wwii (3), yaoi (3), minimalism (3), read with kids (3), short stories (3), vampires (3), personal library (3), fantasy (3), books about books (2), diversity (2), english lit (2), poetry (2), watched (2), essays (2), drama (2), jewish literature (2), japanese lit (2), period fiction (2), sci-fi (2), cooking (2), uncle stevie (2), ghost story (2), zombies (2), Dane DeHaan (2), native american literature (1), mountaineering (1), northern ireland (1), movies (1), arctic horror (1), books that make my heart cave in (1), books that cave my heart in (1), jewish history (1), read it for school (1), quick read (1), children's literature (1), american feminism (1), irish history (1), theodore roosevelt (1), modern japanese literature (1), Irish (1), comedy (1), death & dying (1), 20th century (1), belfast (1), industrial america (1), memoirs (1), addiction (1), immigration (1), military (1), Arctic (1), beat generation (1), picture books (1), personal development (1), sociology (1), chinese lit (1), climbing (1), young adult (1), greek plays (1), feminism (1), ira (1), the troubles (1), china (1), culture (1), faith (1), spirituality (1), christianity (1), romance (1), american history (1), japanese (1), true crime (1), polar expedition fiction (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 6, 2016
Bürgerlicher Name
It might be Christina.
Über meine Bibliothek

I'd most like to use this space for keeping track of the things I read and watch, as well as my thoughts on them. In terms of reading, watching, and documenting... I am woefully behind.

Über mich

Outside of books, I love to write. I also love to run. Which works out, because cheese is another one of my favorite things.

The infinite abyss.
Wird gerade gelesen
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