
UP (343), fiction (224), nick (108), LR (105), comics (98), graphic novels (71), cookbooks (65), classics (63), history (56), clip art (55), ST (50), science fiction (49), anthology (40), storage1 (34), short stories (34), american studies (32), up (32), box18 (30), essays (28), vegetarian (27), children's literature (26), music (25), women's studies (25), diy (24), queer (22), fantasy (22), cultural studies (22), box2 (22), box9 (21), memoir (21), box12 (21), box16 (21), punk (20), seattle (19), feminist theory (18), advance readers' copy (18), theory (18), box3 (17), vegan (17), box6 (16), feminism (16), box7 (16), box14 (16), box15 (15), love and rockets (15), cultural studies of science (14), box8 (14), patterns (14), nyrb (14), box4 (13), illustrated (13), crafts (13), knitting (13), humor (12), field guides (12), sewing (12), nature (12), history of medicine (12), design (12), children's books (11), gardening (11), reference (11), pacific northwest (11), photography (11), poetry (11), box17 (11), african american studies (11), box20 (10), 33 1/3 (10), philosophy (10), libraries (10), lesbian (10), box5 (10), DIY (9), storage2 (9), horror (9), box10 (9), zines (9), art (8), psychoanalytic theory (8), how-to (8), travel guide (8), box13 (8), natural history (7), friend (7), toys (7), pirates (7), wordless (7), box11 (7), gender (7), popular culture (7), preserves (7), race (7), shelf talker (6), women's health (6), food (6), environmentalism (6), philosophy of science (6), mystery (6), travel (6), arc (6), dystopia (6), politics (6), marxism (6), beats (6), vintage (5), picture books (5), biology (5), at work (5), queer theory (5), childhood (5), sociology (5), writing (5), social history (5), reader's advisory (5), mythology (5), social movements (4), journalism (4), indie rock angst (4), historical fiction (4), box1 (4), new york city (4), teen (4), pacific coast (4), freudian psychology (4), cultural criticism (4), speculative fiction (4), history of science (4), dogs (4), sexuality (4), baking (4), japanese (4), literary criticism (4), plays (4), puget sound (4), birds (4), travel guides (3), cocktails (3), psychology (3), japan (3), oral history (3), orphans (3), bicycles (3), primer (3), portland (3), public health (3), series of unfortunate events (3), love story (3), mixology (3), children's classics (3), sisters (3), nostalgia (3), fairy tales (3), slipstream (3), queer studies (3), literary journals (3), children (3), writing exercises (3), reproductive rights (3), post-apocalypse (3), deck (3), postmodernism (3), chinese cuisine (3), guides (3), erotica (3), hip hop (3), archives (3), rock (3), rock criticism (3), gift (3), french (3), printmaking (2), post-punk (2), sushi (2), technology (2), western north america (2), pacific nw (2), origami (2), asian cuisine (2), grammar (2), semiotics (2), interviews (2), haiti (2), african-american studies (2), french cuisine (2), exercise (2), etiquette (2), herbs (2), mexican cuisine (2), cartoons (2), appetizers (2), edibles (2), trail guides (2), holocaust (2), fort thunder (2), minicomics (2), tofu (2), america (2), perzines (2), france (2), containers (2), experimental fiction (2), with zines (2), rats (2), librarians (2), transgender (2), social theory (2), quilting (2), cute (2), zombies (2), ghost stories (2), monsters (2), journal (2), trees (2), venice (2), teenage girls (2), television (2), diaries (2), techniques (2), typing (2), diary (2), historical (2), mexico (2), general (2), canada (2), india (2), world (2), fashion (2), jazz (2), african-american (2), snark (2), graphic novel (2), sex (2), murrays (2), washington state (2), ethics (2), literature (2), adventure (2), vegetables (2), dictionaries (2), young adult (2), teens (2), pamphlet (2), northwest (2), hiking (2), dictionary (2), vampires (2), contraception (2), war (2), lesbians (2), box21 (2), biography (2), yoga (2), reading (2), time travel (2), relationships (2), manuals (2), abridged (1), rolling stone (1), prisons (1), rock music (1), language (1), books (1), spirituality (1), field guide (1), non-fiction (1), adaptation (1), trains (1), lace (1), flight (1), transportation (1), ferns (1), human body (1), clouds (1), domestic arts (1), cross stitch (1), tide pools (1), typography (1), martial arts (1), multiculturalism (1), contemporary life (1), children's (1), japanese cuisine (1), insects (1), back care (1), country (1), tag sales (1), coming-of-age stories (1), autobio comics (1), home furnishings (1), true crime (1), berries (1), chinese medicine (1), tall tales (1), interview (1), asian studies (1), classification (1), marine life (1), symbols (1), indie rock (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 3, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
Mostly general fiction, graphic novels, and a lot of history, cultural studies of science, theory, and gender studies books left over from my former life as a history of science grad student. I also collect books for images I think that I will repurpose for artistic projects, hence the "clip art" tag on random books.
Über mich
I'm a zine librarian, MLIS candidate, and I work in an independent book store. Besides reading and collecting books, I like to ride my bike around the city, knit, cook vegan meals with my sweetie, drink beer and discuss music and popular culture with similarly obsessed fans, garden, and scour city streets for interesting discarded items. In terms of appeals, I read mainly for language, character, and ideas.
Seattle, WA
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