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Jun 27, 2009
Bürgerlicher Name
Lauri Crumley Coates
Über meine Bibliothek
I have way too many books, they are everywhere. I am somewhat organized, and my special collections are all placed in orderly bins and tracked by list. I collect old mysteries by Doris Miles Disney, police procedurals by the late great Ed McBain, anything about polygamy, paganism, alternative medicine and midwifery, survivalism, conspiracy theory, humor by Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris and a few others, I liked Laurie Notaro's older works, but not so much her fictional forays. For fiction, I enjoy Stephen King, Pearl S. Buck, Alice Hoffman, Richard Perez, way too many to list, some best sellers, but most enjoy discovering new authors and reviewing. I tend to share my bestsellers and new author works, but I do own some books that I would never loan to anyone, they have too much sentimental or personal value to me.
Über mich
Where to begin.....I'm 4*, a slightly psychotic insomniac with a brain that never slows down or stops shouting at me. Previous social worker who got burned out, then went into book merchandising and jewelry merchandising for a year or so. Not really a consumer driven person, so that got boring. Now I am a stay at home wife to Bob, an engineer at Boeing. Our Daughter Rachel is 27, living at home while she finishes up her last year working on her Master Degree in Family Counseling and Trauma Counseling. She is doing her internship as a marriage and family counselor with a great practice, at least 20 hours weekly, working part time at an emergency clinic for women and also working part time at pizza hut. She is additionally doing teaching assistant work in the psych. dept. at her college,and somehow manages an active social life, too. Her doggie, Bubba, keeps me company. He's about 18 months old, a sweetie, a jack russel and beagle mix, but he is a calm and old soul, and has a loving spirit. I have way too many interests, I tend to research things to death, and get too involved in my interests. These include: forensics, psychology, paganism, alternative health and healing, polygamy *my husband does NOT share this interest!*, gardening and landscaping, food preserving and canning, home decor and renovating, mythology, survivalism, target shooting, belong to a local gun club, help out my parents as they have health problems, collect jadite, majolica monkeys, westmoreland glass bulldogs, old funeral, mortuary and death items, anything gothic, mercury glass, love Law and Order, Flipping Out, True Blood, Weeds, and a few other shows. Favorite hobby is reading, of course. Pretty eclectic tastes, and will try anything at least a few times. Not into organized religion and pretty much a liberal politically. I definitely keep up with the news and politics, and love a healthy and fair political disagreement. Not a really social person, I tend to keep myself entertained well, and thoroughly enjoy my own company best of all.
Mascoutah, IL
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