
women (6), poetry (5), sex (3), fiction (1), books (1), art (1), feminism (1), reference (1), canada (1), erotica (1), sports (1), anthology (1), Stephen King (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 29, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I own over 1,000 books and I want more! I have a lot of poetry, erotica, Stephen King, contemporary fiction, and tons of books about art, women's studies, sex work, and so on. I've read about 90% of books in my library.
Über mich
My name is Brie. I'm 27. I live in Los Angeles, California with my boyfriend, two kitties (Yoshi and Mika), and a dog (Jean-Luc). I work as a freelance movie critic and have a B.A. in English. Previously, I worked as a law office receptionist (gag), retail slave (barf), and sex store worker. The sex store gig was fun, but I like writing for a living even more.

I was born in Edmonton, Alberta in 1979 and have lived in places as diverse as Calgary, Alberta and Palmerston North, New Zealand. I moved to Portland, Oregon with my family when I was a teenager and got the heck out of there in December 2006 when my boyfriend accepted a job with a movie studio in Burbank, California. It was time to make a change, yo.

My passions are books, wine, poetry, movies, crossword puzzles, art history, knitting/crocheting, football and hockey, and buying wine and books. I am a feminist, a huge Kylie Minogue and Goldfrapp fan, an agnostic, and an intellectual. I spend way too much time online. (Doesn't everyone?) And I also spend too much time in bars because I'm cool like that. Heh.
Los Angeles, CA
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