Bürgerlicher Name
Michelle Arredondo
Über meine Bibliothek
I read anything and everything. I welcome something new to the mix. I like to be completely surprised by a certain genre that I don't typically read or that I am intimidated with. I do have a preference and that would be historical fiction...contemporary fiction...just good ole' fiction..never disappoints. I die for my classics. A huge fan of non-fiction pertaining to music/artists/bands. And I always give the less known independent authors a chance because you can discover some real gems among them.
Über mich
I am a stay-at-home mommy in one of the most chaotic households in all of Texas. 4 hyper-active kids that are always needing my time and attention. If I am not breaking up fights...sopping up vomit...or wiping chocolate from the walls I'm reading. Reading is my solace...reading reminds me that I am "me" before I was ever mommy. Quirky little thing I do (that you'd only ever know about if you ever were around me long enough) I read aloud. Like ALOUD..whether in a loud whisper or an 'as if someone is talking to me in the room' voice. There's a childhood story behind it and well, it stuck. What I love about it is my little family is completely use to it. They do not complain..and that includes my fabulously supportive husband even when he's fully engrossed in a show and I am beside him reading away. Actually I have found that as I am reading, on occasion, someone will stop me, ask a question about it, or I might hear them give a chuckle...or show some other sort of expression towards something I just read. That means they are taking in the story too and that's a good thing...
San Antonio, Texas
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