
fantasy (102), comics (78), glbtq (75), signed (69), SFF (59), ya (57), victorian (53), fiction (52), humor (41), graphic novel (36), mental health (28), poetry (25), field circle (24), scifi (24), art (23), canon (23), history (23), gender (22), ethnic lit (21), philosophy (21), holocaust (21), sff (20), erotica (16), YA (15), childrens (15), reference (12), classics (11), cooking (11), michael field (11), feminism (10), biography (10), memoir (9), self help (9), nukes (9), SM (8), mystery (8), food (8), travel (8), meditation (7), short fiction (7), anthology (6), leadership (5), death (5), travel lit (5), romance (4), lackey (4), autobiography (3), epistolary (3), science fiction (3), glbt (3), caricature (3), horror (3), theory (3), manga (3), non-fiction (3), library (3), proofs (3), sex (3), apocalypse (3), short stories (2), battlestar galactica (2), valdemar (2), graphic novels (2), publishers (2), drama (2), unionism (2), pirates (2), about books (2), aging (2), science (2), academia (2), writing (2), religion (2), sexuality (2), memory (2), short story (2), autobiorgraphy (1), shakespeare (1), Science fiction (1), author (1), crafts (1), info (1), Poetry (1), lit (1), theater (1), SF (1), coloring book (1), bdsm (1), librarianship (1), LBBTQ (1), focus groups (1), thriller (1), choose your own adventure (1), beauty (1), teaching (1), reading (1), maps (1), media (1), literary criticism (1), medical (1), research (1), christmas (1), women (1), books (1), canada (1), world war II (1), computers (1), film (1), zombies (1), lgbt (1), marginalia (1), cyber punk (1), stickers (1), magical realism (1), health (1), fat (1), compsci (1), union (1), tattoos (1), histoical fiction (1), kickstarter (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 29, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
I have a wide range of interests, including but not limited to science fiction, victorian writing of all sorts, graphic novels, history, and glbtq.
Über mich
I am an adjunct professor of English at two community colleges in the Chicagoland area. My books reflect my broad interests or at least they will once I get the entire library entered. My master's thesis was on two victorian ladies writing on the pseudonym, Michael Field so a lot of my books have to do with them and the Victorian time period.
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