
Bürgerlicher Name
Daniel G Judkins
Über meine Bibliothek
I have 2,000 - 3,000 books in a stand-alone adobe library called "La Biblioteca Canoa". It is about 350 sq ft, made of 16" thick adobes with pine viga ceiling beams, its own porch, and sitting across the patio from my house; located south of Tucson on the 1821 Canoa Spanish/Mexican land grant.
Über mich
I am a 58 year old guy who never quite figured out what he wanted to be when he grew up. I had these majors in college: chemistry, English, humanities, pre-med, and religion. I have a BA in religion with a secondary education minor, an associate degree in Nursing, a MPH with an emphasis in health administration, and a MS in epidemiology. I am a trauma nurse, a trauma educator, an injury epidemiologist, and one who is especially interested in the history of the Southwest, particularly New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Sonora. I also have interests in paleontology, European epidemic diseases in the Americas, Native American demography, disaster management, bioterrorism, and such. I collect books about these topics with an emphasis on arrival of man to N. America, American Indian archaeology, conquistadors, Coronado, Spanish period in the SW, Mexican period in the SW, Southern-route 49'ers, early explorers of the west, Arizona territorial period, New Mexican arts/architecture and furniture design, literature of the border, Lawrence Clark Powell, Paul Horgan, and books about the desert.
Continental, Arizona

