
Bürgerlicher Name
Emily Refner
Über meine Bibliothek
Small, but growing. I have a few hundred books of my own, most of which are young adult fiction books. However, I'm slowly starting to branch away from all that, and I'm starting to explore the wonders of...everything else. Which is to say I'm not getting to far because I'm still completely obsessed with Harry Potter, Narnia, and Lord of the Rings. I am a die-hard fantasy lover. But as I said, my library is growing bit by bit. Plus, now that I'm married, I have unlimited access to my husband's even smaller but interesting book collection.
Über mich
Currently a college student, studying English Literature. I stay up far too late into the night reading when I should probably be writing a paper or something of that nature, and as a result I drink entirely too much coffee. But that just gives me an excuse to sit in Starbucks and read! Books and music are my passion, so I think I'm on the right track so far.
Naperville, IL
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