
series: The Original Series (128), series: The Next Generation (54), novelization (33), Federation policy: diplomacy (17), first contact (14), villains: Klingons (10), notable depiction of Vulcans (10), notable depiction of Romulans (10), episode continuation (9), reference: in-world (9), Leonard McCoy (9), Nyota Uhura (8), series: Deep Space Nine (8), telepaths and/or empaths (8), Pavel Chekov (7), the Prime Directive (7), aliens: insectoid/arachnoid/crablike (7), alternate universe: other (7), Spock (7), notable depictions of Klingons (7), aliens: enormous (6), destruction of a world (6), Sarek (6), aliens: godlike (6), Deanna Troi (6), culture clash (6), aliens: ancient (6), Hikaru Sulu (6), technical manuals (6), series: The Animated Series (6), Amanda (6), Federation policy: new member world (6), series: Discovery (6), fotonovel (5), alien possession (5), alien warfare (5), archaeology (5), time travel: other (5), series: Voyager (5), human colony world (5), aristocracy (5), "primitive" cultures (5), pirates (5), genetically altered beings (5), Data (4), Starfleet corrupted (4), other dimensions/phases (4), time travel: to earth's past (4), Jean-Luc Picard (4), alien justice (4), religion: fanatics (4), shapeshifter (4), aliens: feline (4), generation ship (4), aliens: mysterious (4), technology: runs amok (ship's computer) (3), doppelgängers (3), klingons (3), alien anthropology (3), the Borg (3), worlds of deep space (3), Starfleet headquarters (3), Montgomery Scott (3), Geordi LaForge (3), Kira Nerys (3), B'Elanna Torres (3), pollution and/or environmental devastation (3), religion: Bajoran (3), romance: Kirk/some chick (3), the ship is (nearly) destroyed (3), Julian Bashir (3), the Kobayashi Maru (3), villains: Romulans (3), disguise: alien (3), aliens: weird as fuck (3), stories about a crewmember's youth (3), alternate universe: mirror universe (3), science indistinguishable from magic (3), time travel: to the future (3), Khan Noonien Singh (3), reference: out-of-world (3), ghosts (3), slavery (3), Q (3), Ro Laren (3), Kathryn Janeway (3), James T. Kirk (3), disease/plague (3), disability (3), William Riker (3), Federation politics (2), aliens: avian (2), Harry Kim (2), empty region of space (2), T'Pring (2), George Kirk (2), space-time rift (2), technology: holodeck (2), the Prophets/wormhole aliens (2), Quark (2), people searching for a new home (2), terraforming (2), time travel: from the future (2), sea story (2), technology: artificial intelligence (2), Saavik (2), Worf is a Klingon weeaboo (2), uncharted regions of space (2), villains: Cardassians (2), fanzine (2), villains: Ferengi (2), Alexander Rozchenko (2), romance: Dax/Bashir (2), Christopher Pike (2), Reginald Barclay (2), notable depiction of Cardassians (2), parody (2), David Marcus (2), Odo (2), Kes (2), Lwaxana Troi (2), Neelix (2), cyborg (2), artificial planet (2), aliens: moral conflicts (2), pheromones (2), Organians (2), Wesley Crusher (2), technology: runs amok (not ship's computer) (2), Jadzia Dax (2), Earth (2), Wagon Train in space (2), desert planet (2), Seven of Nine (2), Katherine Pulaski (2), Starfleet Academy (2), Tholians (2), notable depiction of bynars (2), spy games (2), the Preservers (2), Tom Paris (2), space station (2), Worf son of Mogh (2), series: Picard (1), amnesia (1), volcano (1), technology: long-distance transporter (1), the bowels of the ship (1), technology: doorway shaped transportation (1), crew needs shore leave (1), obligala (1), series: Enterprise (1), pleasure planet (1), baseball (1), romance: Spock/Saavik (1), alternate universe: inimical to life (1), prejudice (1), romance: Kirk/Spock (1), th'y'la (1), serial killer (1), aliens: crystalline (1), monarchy (1), technology: faster-than-warp travel (1), aliens: silicate (1), romance: McCoy/some chick (1), vampires (1), Troyians (1), Cetacean Ops (1), bildungsroman (1), the Eugenics Wars (1), romance: Kirk/Carol Marcus (1), disguise: human (1), civil unrest/political rebellion (1), Slaver stasis box (1), Gamma quadrant (1), technology: brain uploads (1), wormholes or similar (1), notable depiction of Tellarites (1), notable depiction of Andorians (1), brikar (1), Sonya Gomez (1), revenge (1), romance: Klingon/Human (1), the Grand Nagus (1), technology: sentient ship (1), surveillance (1), Ralph Offenhouse (1), technology: nanotechnology (1), Data goes berserk (1), the Gorn (1), villains: Kazon (1), notable depiction of Ocampans (1), the First Federation (1), San Francisco (1), aliens: saurian (1), Elasians (1), comics (1), Federation policy: interdicted world (1), New York (1), murder mystery (1), Gabriel Lorca (prime) (1), kidnapping (1), midlife crisis (1), Arthurian legends (1), notable depiction of Trill (1), Peter Kirk (1), Lal (1), Tuvok (1), Carol Marcus (1), T'Pol (1), Christine Chapel (1), Sherman's Planet (1), Qo'noS (1), Terra Prime (1), Ezri Dax (1), Roberta Lincoln (1), Michael Burnham (1), David Gold (1), Section 31 (1), alien gender systems (1), aliens: misandrist (1), crossover (1), Gary Seven (1), Guinan (1), unofficial book (1), Tasha Yar (1), poker (1), mad scientist (1), Lovecraftiana (1), feudalism (1), competition (1), starfleet academy (1), murder (1), old grudges (1), USS Defiant (1), repressive government (1), Curzon Dax (1), the Guardian of Forever (1), diplomatic mission (1), water world (1), rocks fall everyone dies (1), ice planet (1), superweapon (1), human-settled planets (1), Kevin Riley (1), Joran Dax (1), picture book (1), cookbook (1), cetaceans (1), faster-than-warp travel (1), androids (1), story-within-a-story (1), objectivism (1), Magna Roma (1), notable depiction of Deltans (1), Lieutenant M'Ress (1), human psychics (1), villains: Orions (1), romance: Riker/Troi (1), Lela Dax (1), Emony Dax (1), Audrid Dax (1), Torias Dax (1), going into heat: other (1), dyson sphere (1), Una Chin-Riley (1), Kodos the Executioner (1), mycelial network (1), S'oval (1), Arne Darvin (1), romance: Janeway/Chakotay (1), USS Stargazer (1), pogroms (1), Species 8472 (1), notable depiction of Betazoids (1), anarchists (1), Phillipa Georgiou (1), Sylvia Tilly (1), U.S.S. Shenzhou (1), alien zoo (1), monastics (1), fountain of youth (1), computer games (1), the Founders (1), Kieran Duffy (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 3, 2023
Bürgerlicher Name
Flourish Klink
Über meine Bibliothek

My continuing mission: to consume every piece of Star Trek content ever made! Till now, I have been working on this project over at AirTable, but (having watched all episodes long ago, and realizing that there's no way I'll manage to tackle comics anytime soon) I've decided to focus more clearly on Star Trek books and move over to LibraryThing, which will also help me manage my physical Star Trek collection better. As of January 7, 2023, I am still only partway through this task. I will update my bio when it's finished.

As the Ferengi say, "caveat emptor"! I'm striving to include every Star Trek book at least in my "Wishlist" section, and eventually to have all of them in my library (or "read but unowned"), but of course this is unlikely, especially when it comes to the more poorly cataloged and throwaway non-fiction books, like quiz books and books about production. I really encourage people to contact me and let me know about errors they find and to bring any ones that aren't accounted for my attention.

Regarding fanworks and unofficial books: yes, I plan to include some of them in this LibraryThing, but only those which are physically published (zines count). Maybe someday I'll get around to making an Archive Of Our Own bookmarks list or something, but till then, digital fanworks aren't involved here.

Über mich

Studying to be a priest in The Episcopal Church.
Star Trek series from most to least favorite: TOS/TAS, DS9, LD, VOY, SNW, ENT, DIS, TNG, PRO, PIC.

New York City
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