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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 9, 2021
Bürgerlicher Name
Faith Baptist Church
Über mich
Committed to Expository Preaching
You’ll discover that Faith Baptist Church is different

We’re committed to love and truth. Some churches are all emotion. Theology, they say, divides people. Others are rigid doctrinally to the loss of compassion. At Faith Baptist Church love and truth are like two wings of an airplane. One alone won't do.

Our church is built on two pillars:
1. Our church is a teaching church. Listen to our sermons. You’ll see that our light for living comes from the Bible.
2. Our church is a family church. We are members of Christ, to quote the Bible, and members of one another. There is a bond of love between all Christians through the Spirit.
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada