
textbook (63), history (58), young adult lit (31), fiction (29), historical fiction (29), fantasy (27), reference (26), cookbook (25), mythology (20), american history (20), christianity (17), mysticism (16), religion (16), modern history (14), prayer (14), feminism (13), memoir (12), comparative religion (10), biblical history (10), civil war (9), buddhism (9), scripture (9), women's history (9), drama (9), gnosticism (8), herbalism (8), arthurian legend (7), paganism (7), saints (7), episcopal (7), biblical fiction (7), anglican (6), ancient history (6), bible (6), nutrition (6), signed (6), irish (6), language (6), folklore (6), mary magdalene (5), food (5), philosophy (5), judaism (5), pyschology (5), religious history (5), culinary history (4), biography (4), pseudohistory (4), orthodoxy (4), health (4), virgin mary (4), exercise (4), knitting (4), science (3), catholic (3), children's lit (3), contemplative prayer (3), short stories (3), taoism (3), GREs (3), writing (3), dictionary (2), insomnia cure (2), Anglican (2), lent reading (2), islam (2), nuns (2), politics (2), jesus (2), atlas (2), math (2), anthropology (2), pilates (2), geography (2), yoga (2), Episcopal (2), diaconate (1), literature (1), hinduism (1), Christianity (1), encyclopedia (1), insommnia cure (1), young adult fiction (1), donated to UW (1), Lent reading (1), tarot (1), natural history (1), herbs (1), catholicism (1), world religion (1), european history (1), cultural history (1), devotion (1), library science (1), historiography (1), hermeticism (1), magic (1), art (1), anglo-catholic (1), fitness (1), occult (1), altas (1), aikido (1), pagan (1), poetry (1), american exceptionalism (1), new age (1), nonfiction (1), Archives Principles and practice (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 24, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I had a history major and a nutrition minor in college. I wrote my senior paper on feminism and cookbooks. I love anything about history, politics, and food. I am also very interested in anything involving mythology, religion, and spirituality. I identify as Episcopalian/Anglican now, but have had a varied religious past, and still love reading about different religions.
I am also incapable of stopping by any Goodwill/Salvation Army/Used Bookstore without something randomly catching my eye and me buying it. This explains a good chunk of my library.
Über mich
Library and information science student, starting in the fall of 2011.
Wird gerade gelesen
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Raven Used Book Shop (Northampton, MA), Sherman's Books & Stationery, Two Brothers Books (formerly known as Freeport Book Shoppe)

Bibliotheken: Albert Brenner Glickman Family Library - University of Southern Maine, Freeport Community Library


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