
to-read (212), fantasy (184), folk-and-fairy-tales (44), spiritual (39), psychology (33), mythology (32), nature (28), history (28), celtic (24), philosophy (23), shamanism (23), science-fiction (22), norse (20), medieval (18), astrology (17), wicca (16), fiction (15), writing (15), poetry (11), art (10), reference (9), short-stories (9), scottish (8), currently-reading (7), historical-fiction (7), horror (7), science (7), epic fantasy (1), heroic fantasy (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 22, 2014
Bürgerlicher Name
Faith Taylor
Über mich
F.T. McKinstry grew up studying music and reading books. An old-school fantasy geek, she acquired a deep love for fantasy, science fiction and the esoteric, of which she was an avid reader. With a background in computer electronics and software development, she wrote and illustrated technical documentation for many years, during which time she created fantasy worlds. She is inspired by plant and animal lore, Northern European legend and mythology, fairy tales, mythical creatures, music, medieval warfare and shamanism.

F.T. McKinstry is the author of the fantasy series The Fylking and The Chronicles of Ealiron. Her short stories appear in Wizards, Woods and Gods and various fantasy/scifi magazines. Aside from books, she enjoys oil painting, gardening, yoga, hanging out with her cats and fishes, and being in the woods.
New England
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