
YA (25), humor (13), mystery (11), romance (10), dark fantasy (6), psychic waitress (6), chronicled life of a teenage Brit school girl (6), vampires (6), shapeshifters (5), quirky vampires (5), shoes (5), fantasy (3), reverse harem (3), manga (2), magical realism (2), angst (2), bounty hunter (2), spunky female (2), lawyer (2), quirky male (2), zucchini? (1), satire on everyday life (1), past columns (1), Nightside series #1 (1), major misunderstandings (1), old school Star Trek (1), Undead series #4 (1), buffy-like (1), shojo (1), steam engine era (1), Undead series #5 (1), Andy Carpenter series #2 (1), orthodox jew (1), Politics (1), Southern Vampire Mysteries series #5 (1), Southern Vampire Mystery series #4 (1), Southern Vampire Mysteries series #3 (1), Southern Vampire Mysteries series #2 (1), Southern Vampire Mysteries series #1 (1), Southern Vampire Mysteries series #6 (1), crime fiction (1), free verse poetry (1), sidhe (1), destiny (1), vignettes (1), definitions of beauty (1), plucky female (1), Andy Carpenter series #1 (1), historical retrospective (1), Symphony of Ages series #1 (1), wizards (1), Undead series #3 (1), spies (1), coming of age (1), family (1), alchemy (1), action (1), anger (1), satire (1), detectives (1), graphic novel (1), politics (1), dancing (1), serial killer (1), farce (1), music (1), musicals (1), spoof (1), Undead series #2 (1), Anita Blake series #12 (1), series #4 (1), Undead series #1 (1), power struggle of the sexes (1), Anita Blake series #13 (1), Meredith Gentry series #4 (1), Stephanie Plum series #12 (1), contemporary dark fantasy (1), spoofy history textbook (1), Stephanie Plum series #11 (1), homosexual themes (1), young adult (1), young boy (1), psychological horror (1), macabre humor (1), Anita Blake novelette (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 16, 2006

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gaze hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
gaze hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
gaze hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
gaze hat hinzugefügt und bewertet
gaze hat hinzugefügt und bewertet