Bürgerlicher Name
Gen LaGreca
Über mich
I’m an author who has won awards for doing what I love most to do: write novels. I write about unusual people doing unusual things. My stories are tightly plotted, strong on romance, and with individualist themes. I work for years on each book, researching and plotting, creating characters I’d love to meet and stories that inspire me. I hope they will inspire you, too.

My first novel, NOBLE VISION, is a romantic medical thriller that won four literary awards, including a ForeWord magazine Book-of-the-Year and a Writer’s Digest International Book Award. The novel received endorsements from a former presidential candidate (Steve Forbes), a Nobel laureate (the late Milton Friedman), and a past president of the American Medical Association (Dr. Edward Annis). NOBLE VISION is considered “very highly recommended reading” by Midwest Book Review.

My second novel, A DREAM OF DARING, was published in February 2013. It’s a haunting tale of the Old South, a murder mystery with a forbidden inter-racial romance and lots of plot surprises. It also has a thought-provoking message about the corruption of holding power over people and the value of every person's being a master of himself. Look for it along with NOBLE VISION on Amazon in ebook and paperback editions.

My third novel is the science-fiction adventure and love story, FUGITVE FROM ASTERON.

I'm working on a fourth novel that I hope to release next year. On a personal note, I'm engaged to a university professor; he and I live in the Midwest.

Aside from writing fiction, I also write social commentaries. My articles have appeared in Forbes, The Orange County Register, Daily Caller, Mises Daily, Gainsville Sun, Real Clear Markets, and other publications.

My novels are to me the most satisfying work of my life. I hope they will entertain and enrich your life a little, too.

The best way to contact me is by email to genlagreca@hotmail.com

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