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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 3, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
When I like a book I try to acquire the 1st edition. Of course, this gives me doubles of lots of titles. I clean out my paperbacks once a year and donate them to the public library for their annual book sale.

I have almost all the US 1st edition books of Dick Francis, Sue Grafton, and P. Cornwell. (although I haven't entered them all). I used to buy 18th and 19 century books but I found I was not good taking care of those treasures.
Right now my oldest books are a 3 volume 1st edition of the poems of Scotsman William Shenstone from 1769.

I also collect Civil War newspapers, especially Harpers Weekly. And also botanical prints by the Curtis family mostly from 1787-1850.

The most notable book I have is probably the serialization before publication of "Tender is the Night" by F.Scott Fitzgerald.

As a professional in a technical field I also have a few books on intellectual property, computer science and mathematics.

Over the years I have also collected quite a few 19th century poetry volumes, mainly English poets.

One of my favorite books is by Charles Augustin Sainte Beuve, Portraits of XVII century. Although much criticized for romanticizing woman, I find his writing (at least in this translation) to be generous and elegant.
Über mich
Avid reader of mysteries and classics.

I received my degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science. I worked for the same large company for 28 years, but was "retired" in 2009. A friend and I started consulting to companies on IP related issues. After having a great year on my own I joined a startup that was promptly bought by IBM.

I play chess online and golf whenever I can.

I have twin boys. One is in San Francisco working as a financial analyst and the other is an attorney also in San Francisco CA.

I married a second time in 2016 and am living with Mandy in the Eastern Hills of Silicon Valley. I have retired and taken up welding as a hobby.
San Jose, California

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