Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 13, 2023
Bürgerlicher Name
The Heraldry Society of Canada
Über meine Bibliothek

The Society has vigorously pursued objective—the education of Canadians in the science and art of heraldry. To this end, it has published three books: Canadian Heraldry, by Alan Beddoe and Strome Galloway, A Canadian Heraldic Primer, by Dr Kevin Greaves and its French adaptation, L'Abécédaire canadien de l'héraldique, by Kevin Greaves and Auguste Vachon, and is planning a fourth. On a continuing basis, it also publishes two periodicals entitled "Heraldry in Canada" and "Gonfanon".

Über mich

The Heraldry Society of Canada (now "Royal Heraldry Society of Canada") was founded in Ottawa by a group of enthusiasts under the leadership of L/Cdr. Alan Beddoe. The founding meeting was held on October 25th, 1966, at the Beacon Arms Hotel in Ottawa, where a full Board of Officers and Directors was formed under the presidency of Alan Beddoe

The Society was subsequently incorporated under federal charter and granted charitable status. Its objectives, briefly stated, were:

  1. To promote greater interest in heraldry among Canadians;
  2. To promote the establishment in Canada of a Canadian Heraldic Authority; and
  3. To bring to its members, through the journal Heraldry in Canada, interesting and informative articles on topics relating to Canadian heraldry.

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