
party (4), expiration (4), fancy (4), mother (4), countenance (4), stripe (3), kind (3), hypochondriacal (3), fascinate (3), jack (3), baggage (3), rally (3), virtue (3), vapour (3), stew (3), exercise (3), word (3), oscitancy (3), plum (3), fantastical (3), scan (3), heart (3), beauty (3), light (3), distraction (2), publick (2), yeoman (2), intercourse (2), gloss (2), sentence (2), sock (2), bravo (2), literature (2), monopoly (2), sensible (2), rake (2), mummy (2), play (2), libel (2), right (2), journeyman (2), air (2), oratory (2), classical (2), amulet (2), fond (2), toy (2), number (2), penman (2), laboratory (2), habit (2), gamester (2), idle (2), book (2), compass (2), adumbrate (2), descant (2), manumit (2), antepast (2), encomium (2), ethnick (2), trumpet (2), lugubrious (2), tea (2), humorous (2), death (2), salamander (2), mercury (2), carnival (2), epicurism (2), fanatick (2), firework (2), ringleader (2), ninnyhammer (2), diversion (2), ropedancer (2), supposititious (2), whelp (2), prescription (2), sesquipedal (2), commination (2), intelligencer (2), heliotrope (2), sudorifick (2), inspissate (2), peccant (2), pragmatick (2), natural (2), impertinence (2), toast (2), bubble (2), genius (2), passion (2), mistress (2), sea (2), nature (2), spirit (2), antiquity (2), witty (2), talent (2), lust (2), honour (2), business (2), figure (2), reason (2), father (2), constitution (2), doctor (2), character (2), humour (2), modern (2), love (2), war (2), real (2), march (2), time (2), prejudice (2), trade (2), religious (2), Bible (2), man (2), quality (2), canon (2), writer (2), period (2), morris (2), gut (2), judgment (2), discipline (2), gravity (2), understanding (2), write (2), taste (2), letter (2), fame (2), reformation (2), rule (2), effossion (1), locomotive (1), prognostick (1), termagant (1), gimcrack (1), mountebank (1), quinsy (1), gout (1), emption (1), locust (1), pseudology (1), hebetate (1), nosopoetick (1), retire (1), oxymel (1), periwig (1), gruel (1), shufflecap (1), higgle (1), handydandy (1), nozle (1), faintling (1), scorbutical (1), kimbo (1), pineal (1), drinkmoney (1), gravidity (1), prizefighter (1), restorative (1), coquette (1), puss (1), grum (1), nummary (1), grubstreet (1), rollypooly (1), posset (1), hotcockles (1), musick (1), college (1), divine (1), experiment (1), fossil (1), professor (1), puberty (1), indigenous (1), theatre (1), sense (1), civil (1), entertainment (1), purge (1), football (1), encyclopedia (1), theory (1), infancy (1), study (1), cipher (1), scholar (1), quoit (1), cully (1), crack-brained (1), enchant (1), trangram (1), numskull (1), grabble (1), ptisan (1), paroxysm (1), gender (1), pile (1), gravy (1), hydromel (1), oleaginous (1), farinaceous (1), pettifogger (1), nightmare (1), work (1), coffee (1), eructation (1), romp (1), gavot (1), essay (1), hysterical (1), rice (1), downer (1), element (1), satirical (1), monstrous (1), punch (1), wife (1), stuff (1), suburb (1), usury (1), king (1), mercurial (1), fashion (1), touchy (1), treble (1), caterpillar (1), tennis (1), vacation (1), duenna (1), euthanasia (1), flux (1), living (1), sign (1), mortal (1), pocketbook (1), sedan (1), rogue (1), relax (1), geography (1), translate (1), civilian (1), punster (1), hermaphrodite (1), maize (1), gratis (1), necklace (1), lemonade (1), ostrich (1), shingles (1), puff (1), leeward (1), ejaculation (1), schoolman (1), prorogue (1), tickle (1), discord (1), vellicate (1), rasp (1), sectary (1), roundel (1), escchutcheon (1), esculent (1), receipt (1), verllicate (1), gymnastick (1), deglutition (1), saponaceous (1), learned (1), surtout (1), virginal (1), enjoin (1), rape (1), race (1), distemper (1), electre (1), scholastick (1), viol (1), soporiferous (1), wont (1), uxorious (1), priapism (1), errhine (1), queck (1), estivation (1), rakehel (1), ducat (1), turban (1), misdemeanour (1), dull (1), cordial (1), ethicks (1), mantiger (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 26, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
Tagged are a works' words Johnson used for quotations. The word list is taken out of Jack Lynch's Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, p. 614-636. If Lynch lists multiple works for an author, all tags are assigned to all the works listed.

In the comments I will enter one or more quotations. The selection is arbitrary and unreflected.
Über mich
I am Hodge, Samuel Johnson's cat, a very fine cat indeed. Who, by his master when caressed / Warmly his gratitude expressed; And never failed his thanks to purr / Whene'er he stroked his sable fur. I will collect my master's source books to the quotations of Dictionary of the English Language.

It will probably take a while to complete the project. But Hodge shan't be shot; no, no, Hodge shall not be shot.