
realistic fiction (4), counting (3), mathematics (2), friends (2), multicultural (2), zoo (2), funny (2), friendship (1), Africa (1), leave (1), informational book (1), baby gorilla (1), war memorial (1), the preacher (1), mezzo-soprano (1), Spanish (1), Historical fiction (1), Folklore (1), Underground Railroad (1), shrunken heads (1), Indian Culture (1), to the moon (1), preying mantis (1), mulitplication (1), read books (1), grandpa (1), a boy (1), Otis (1), kites (1), famous author (1), hide-and-seek (1), a dog (1), cooks (1), picnic (1), cerebral palsy (1), astronaut (1), elephant (1), Cultural Revolution (1), Saudi (1), traditions (1), escape (1), true story (1), historic (1), holiday (1), how to (1), Christmas (1), England (1), fuego (1), despondent (1), a frog (1), culturally specific (1), Dog Wednesday (1), girl finds dog. Winn-Dixie (1), Gloria Dump (1), Littmus Lozenge (1), Gertrude the parrot (1), Mrs Franny (1), Sweetie Pie (1), meets a girl (1), Freedom Quilt (1), walk in a line (1), diary of Susy (1), Robo-bot (1), follow home (1), ant trail (1), wedding rituals (1), Arabic Counting (1), Culturally specific (1), internation book (1), worst kids (1), abuelita/grandma (1), other side of life (1), anti-itch stories (1), international book (1), Beekle (1), panache (1), imagining (1), thunder storm (1), lost keys (1), loss of words (1), culturally neutral (1), cowry shell (1), joy of books (1), animals read (1), girl loses kite (1), finds weird things (1), solves problems (1), Amanda and Alligator friendship (1), play jokes (1), Wolf and goose (1), old time movie art (1), chicks warnings (1), Stanley the dog (1), fixes the tv (1), catch (1), pet store (1), photographic memory (1), outer space (1), special needs (1), ocean (1), story telling (1), donkey (1), China (1), ants (1), underworld (1), storyteller (1), vocabulary (1), wife (1), Mark Twain (1), bears (1), turtle (1), fox (1), moved (1), boredom (1), rock (1), informational (1), dog (1), jobs (1), egg (1), culture (1), family (1), chapter book (1), bought (1), adventures (1), beach (1), dragon (1), collections (1), trade (1), educational (1), king (1), mama (1), fantasy (1), work (1), society (1), slavery (1), angry (1), Jane (1), party (1), pool (1), apples (1), can't find (1), Clara (1), English/Spanish (1), mother and son (1), shopping mall (1), pageant (1), Newberry winner (1), convertible (1), baby Jesus (1), beetles (1), snowy day (1), nests (1), shells (1), imaginary friend (1), hen (1), lanterns (1), animal identification (1), haberdashery (1), chicken pox (1), Chinese New Year (1), library (1), Ivan (1), firefighters (1), home repairs (1), understanding (1), bear (1), bird (1), Barbara (1), casa (1), hats (1), addition (1), guitar (1), teddy bears (1), picturebook (1), Gorilla (1), adventurer (1), new friends (1), scarlet (1), colors (1), frog (1), midwife (1), chimpanzees (1), soup (1), spectacle (1), celebrations (1), surprise job (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 3, 2017

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