
reference (51), information technology (50), taxonomy (2), information today (2), knowledge formation (2), Big Data (2), Knowledge management (2), Web 2.0 (2), Nicole Engard (2), MOOCs (2), special libraries (2), research effectiveness (1), David Lee King (1), Amy Affelt (1), makerspaces (1), news aggregation (1), Cybrarian's Web 2 (1), Embedded librarian (1), Cheryl Ann Peltier-Davis (1), Umlaut (1), Indexing Names (1), crowdfunding (1), ran hock (1), and web content writers (1), unconference (1), free web 2.0 tools (1), content marketing (1), technology projects in libraries (1), Find it Fast (1), technology solutions for libraries (1), Information Professionals (1), wearable technology (1), Rachel Singer Gordon (1), extreme searchers (1), Library Mashups (1), Common Core State Standards (CCSS) (1), Libki (1), Serendip-o-matic (1), library automation system (1), mash up catalog data (1), library websites and collections (1), Educational Technology for the Global Village (1), and mobiles (1), citation metrics (1), Randall McClure (1), Buying and Selling Information (1), Law Librarian (1), Michael Gruenberg (1), data scientist (1), cloud storage (1), Negotiation Skills (1), Web 2.0 tools (1), personal archiving (1), academic research projects (1), legal publishers (1), Anthony Aycock (1), information today inc (1), reference librarians (1), web 2.0 technologies (1), data storage (1), legal questions (1), bibliometrics (1), social bookmarking (1), bing (1), information research (1), search strategies (1), internet searching (1), self-publishing (1), data integrity (1), directors (1), information retrieval (1), ASIST (1), content management (1), negotiation skills (1), google (1), knowledge management (1), indexing (1), metadata (1), information theory (1), networking (1), internet (1), blogger (1), trainers (1), search engines (1), ASI (1), SharePoint (1), data verification (1), Technology (1), Systems Librarian (1), big data (1), Information Today (1), Sales Professionals (1), James Purdy (1), social media marketing (1), law librarianship (1), digital content (1), video conferencing (1), information literacy (1), Taxonomy (1), Social Networks (1), Value (1), Google (1), Librarians (1), Marketing (1), online searching (1), branding (1), ebooks (1), visualization (1), collection development (1), Text analytics (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 25, 2010
Bürgerlicher Name
Information Today, Inc.
Über mich
Information Today, Inc. is a leading publisher and conference organizer in the library, information, content, and knowledge management industries. ITI publishes periodicals such as Information Today, Computers in Libraries, EContent, Online and Searcher. ITI also publishes books, such as “Blogging and RSS, 2nd Edition” by Michael P. Sauers, “Open Source Web Applications for Libraries” by Karen A. Coombs and Amanda J. Hollister, “Implementing Technology Solutions in Libraries” by Karen C. Knox, “Everyone Plays at the Library” by Scott Nicholson, and “Library Mashups” by Nicole C. Engard. ITI also publishes “American Book Trade Directory”, and “International Literary Market Place.”
Medford, New Jersey
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