
Research Journals (42), Sociology (40), Women (18), Politics (17), Literature (16), Health (16), Justice (15), Media (11), Navajo (10), Environment (9), Popular Culture (9), Advocacy (9), Economics (8), Audio (8), California (7), Canada (7), Puebloans (6), Religion (6), Alaska (6), Cherokee (5), Iroquois (5), Hollywood (4), Education (4), Columbus (3), Great Lakes (3), NAGPRA (3), Video (3), Arizona (3), Lakota (3), Exploration (2), Sports (2), Poetry (2), Inuit (2), Language (2), English (2), Apache (2), Powhatans (2), Wisconsin (2), Newspapers (2), Creek (2), Folktales (2), Captivity (2), Sioux (2), North Dakota (2), Agriculture (1), Maaori (1), Yavape (1), Pontiac's Rebellion (1), Puebloan (1), Art (1), Repatriation (1), Mayans (1), Algonquians (1), Urbanization (1), Demographics (1), Treaties (1), Magazines (1), Southwest (1), Archaeology (1), Legends (1), Dance (1), Pueblo (1), Hawaii (1), Menominees (1), King Philip's War (1), Pequots (1), Paiute (1), Algonquian (1), Comanche (1), Blackfeet (1), AIM (1), Pawnee (1), Yaqui (1), Crow (1), Seminole (1), Reports (1), Revolutionary War (1), Frontier (1), Nebraska (1), New England (1), Chicago (1), Peru (1), New York (1), Montauk (1), Hidatsa (1), Christianity (1), French and Indian War (1), Choctaw (1), Kiowa (1), World War II (1), Catholicism (1), Minnesota (1), Virginia (1), AIDS (1), Northwest (1), Jesuits (1), Tewa (1), Hopi (1), Zuni (1), Pocahontas (1), Catawba (1), Kwakiutl (1), Wampum (1), Yurok (1), Miwok (1), William Penn (1), Paxoche (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 7, 2011
Über meine Bibliothek
Our research library is the largest Native American-themed library in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All books, magazines, newspapers, and videos/DVDs in our library were generously donated to the Museum over the past 30 years, and we are always accepting new donations. The library is available to researchers of all ages and levels of expertise on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12-4 PM. No appointment is required.
Über mich
The Museum of Indian Culture, founded in 1980, is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to presenting, preserving, and perpetuating the history and cultural heritage of the Northeastern Woodland Indians and other American Indian tribes. We accomplish this mission through guided tours, educational programs, special events, and a comprehensive resource library. We are proudly located in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Please visit our website for more information.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA