
horror (32), zombie (15), military (11), scifi (6), mafia (3), action (2), humor (1), Zombie (1), shooter (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 23, 2009
Über meine Bibliothek
HUGE fan of zombie books, and for those I can't recommend Day by Day armegeddon enough, or anything by Anthony Giangregorio. You definitely can't go wrong with Permuted Press.
I also have a ton of bentley little (academy and university my fav)
I just started to get myself into sci-fi with larry niven's "footfall," we'll see how that goes.
My absolute favorite book of all time is JOHN DIES AT THE MUST read this book.
Über mich
I love books and I love reading. In particular I'm a fan of horror and BIG TIME into what I guess can be called "conspiracy theory" books (even though I hate that label). THINK FOR YOURSELF, don't let the TV or anyone else tell you what is real and what to believe. wake up FOX/CNN/MSNBC/ LIES TO YOU!! wake up
Upper Darby PA
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