
fiction (486), sci-fi (171), fantasy (170), illustrated (164), star wars (131), childrens (130), art (119), film (94), classics (84), young adult (81), non-fiction (66), fairy tale (64), comics (57), anthology (49), nautical (47), history (45), graphic novel (44), resource (37), disney (36), short story (24), biography (22), humor (22), photography (22), favorite (20), beauty and the beast (18), tv (17), poetry (14), tolkien (13), fashion (12), play (11), shakespeare (10), music (10), manga (10), mythology (9), travel (8), sleeping beauty (8), taschen (8), the little mermaid (8), cinderella (8), lost (7), giftbook (7), marvel (7), audrey hepburn (7), arthurian (7), chick lit (5), autobiography (5), decorating (4), snow white (4), advice (4), mystery (4), textbook (4), peter pan (3), read-along (3), austenish (3), pop-up (3), religion (2), science (2), cooking (2), reference (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 18, 2005
Bürgerlicher Name
Jackie Sullivan
Über meine Bibliothek
I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I'll read just about anything, though I definitely prefer fiction over non-fiction. Lately I've been trying to throw "classic" book in among my various reading subjects in an attempt to balance things out and fill in any gaps in my literary learning. I worked at Barnes & Noble for a bit, so my library grew a lot then due to employee discounts, and within the past few years a decent portion of my books have come from used book sales. My family jokingly refers to my books as "the library" because whenever one of my younger siblings was assigned a book for school there was a good chance that I already had it.

I've also slowly been amassing a collection of various art books as well as illustrated books (especially those of the fairy tale variety). It's handy to have those books around for inspiration and research purposes.

I tend to obsess over fairy tales and mythology. I especially like reading and re-reading different versions of fairy tales, with Beauty and the Beast and its many variations being of special interest.

And all of those Star Wars books? I'm a geek. ;)
Über mich
I'm an artist, a coffee addict, and a geek.

Other possible career options for me include cowgirl, intergalactic smuggler, penguin wrangler, and pirate. Arrr.
upstate NY
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