Bürgerlicher Name
James Kilgore
Über meine Bibliothek
I am eclectic but global.
Über mich
I am the author of We Are All Zimbabweans Now and Freedom Never Rests: A Novel of Democracy in South Africa. I wrote both books during my six and a half year prison sentence for 1970s political activities. We Are All Zimbabweans Now is the story of hopelessly naive American researcher Ben Dabney who goes to Zimbabwe in the 1980s with the belief that Robert Mugabe is Africa's Gandhi and his policy of racial reconciliation is a model for the world. Freedom Never Rests tells the story of Monwabisi Radebe and his wife Constantia as they struggle to adjust to the New South Africa. American investors, water service cutoffs, amibitious politicians, HIV/AIDS and embryonice social movements percolate throughout.

