
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 28, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Janet Flora Corso
Über meine Bibliothek
2014 >> My RESOLUTION is to Read My Books! I have a bad habit of buying books that I want to read, or getting books that others think I will like, or winning books that I really should read (and review), but then just letting them sit on the TBR list/pile/shelf for weeks/months/years. I even have about 200 books on the Kindle that need to be read and archived.
So, I have resolved to read the books I have, NOT buy new books (though I am still going to accept ARCs, freebies, gifts and review copies, and I will have to get some new ones from the library. Come on! I can't go cold turkey!) (And I should confess, I have already purchased at least 2 ebooks in the first week of this new year, but I also read 2 physical books:)
Fortunately, I found R.O.O.T. here on LT and I am joining others while we Read Our Own Tomes and root out the TBR shelves. I even have a cute ticker thing to count them. My total goal for the year is to read 100 Books, and hopefully at least half will be ROOTs. Meanwhile, also on goal to FINISH writing my own book, so I should earn my Language Arts badge this year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

2011>> I am participating in teh "New Centurions" reading challenge to read 111 books this year. There is a Fbook page if anyone is interested

Since I started so close to the beginning of 2009 I am only adding books as they are being read, so i can keep a good record for the year[s] and b/c I could not possibly list every book I have ever read.
So consider this a partial library, beginning... now [its less than 2 hours into the new year as I type :)]
Über mich
bookworm, amateur writer, blogger, mom and wife
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