Bürgerlicher Name
Jenni Fry
Über meine Bibliothek
I have always mentally organized my books according to why/how I acquired them, thus...

Books with the primary tag "professional" are those from my office. I may or may not have read them, mostly depending on whether they were published before or after I started at ALA Editions.

Books with the primary tag "MLS" are those that I bought for my library school courses at UIUC. Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "copyedited" are books that I copyedited. Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "supervised" are books that were copyedited by someone else, under my supervision. Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "BA" are those that I bought for my undergraduate courses at Kenyon College. Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "personal" are those that I bought for personal reading or for my reference collection, and books from my childhood. Still being loaded...

Books with a surname as the primary tag are those that I (or my husband) inherited from the named relative. I may not have read them yet. Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "PMF" are my husband's books. I live with them, but I generally know nothing about them (unless they are fiction, in which case I've probably read them). Still being loaded...

Books with the primary tag "JPF" are my son's books. Still being loaded...
Über mich
I live with my husband, Phil, and my son, James, in Chicago's Near North neighborhood. I am an acquisitions editor for ALA Editions, the book imprint of the American Library Association. I am also an MLS student in the LEEP program at UIUC.

