
suspense (1), 03/09 Slower starting than usual but builds into an exciting thriller. Rapp decimates the political scrutiny with a flourish. Not to be missed. (1), and legacy are without equal. An idol. (1), 05/09 A concise and in depth biography of truly one of the greatest generals of our time. His strategies (1), 05/09 The best Cross novel so far. This one will keep you on the edge until the final page. Wow ! (1), exotic locations. Complimented by Leonidvich's style and manner. MacLarty is at the top of the heap. (1), 05/09 Jam packed with sizzling action (1), 05/09 Tense thriller with non-stop action and drama. Incredible suspense with no shortage of violence and intrigue. (1), 05/09 Great sequel with Dalton rising to the top again. The characters and plot are excellent. Action packed thriller. (1), 04/09 Remarkable story of espionage and survival during WWII. Shackleton like tale of an unbelievable escape from the Germans. (1), 04/09 Great cast of characters participate in a page turning thriller. Kent is a maestro of of high drama and adventure. Faith Kelly is awesome. (1), 04/09 Another intense thriller by the author with Rapp taking on all comers. Excellent side plots with no shortage of intrigue. (1), great characters and ending. Endless suspense and intrigue. Truly a must read. (1), 04/09 Lindsey Boxer is a homerun ! Great story (1), 03/09 Intriguing WW II documentary of escape and evasion. Extreme suspense with personal pain and suffering. Another side of the war. (1), 03/09 Great Bolitar story after extended hiatis. Excellent plot with superb ending. Not to be missed. (1), blood and sacrifice. (1), 06/09 Fast paced quirky plot which plays on the reader's emotions. Bolitar deals with and overcomes a life changing issue. Not to be missed. (1), 02/09 Bolitar is the man and once again provides the reader with plenty of suspense and action. As the main character (1), 01/09 Good characters (1), plot with plenty of suspense. Does drag in places (1), but overall a good read. (1), 01/09 Coben is absolutely top shelf. Non-stop action with a plot that takes you to the last page. A must read. (1), 01/09 The characters far exceed the standards of the plot. Not one of the auther's best works. (1), 01/09 Two plots for the price of one. A scary thriller to the n'th degree. Fast paced page turning thriller. (1), he is truly a piece of work. (1), 03/09 Good story about the OSS and what they endured during WWII. Lots of grit (1), 02/09 Excellent perspective of famous battle from both sides with return after 30 years. Bonus leadership primer. Very moving. (1), 02/09 Excellent "black widow" plot with page turning action and surprise ending. True Patterson novel. (1), 02/09 Great story and plot about conflict of power between Congress and the President. Plenty of action and suspense with solid characters. (1), 02/09 MacLarty is awesome ! This is the first in what will be an outstanding series. Simon is intriguing as a main character and keeps the reader interested. (1), 02/09 Well written log of a "grunt's" tour of duty. Very factual with virtually no enhancements. Combat vets can easily identify with author. (1), 03/09 Typical good story spearheaded by Alex Cross. Plenty of action and intrigue. Not one of the author's best endings. (1), 05/09 Chilling true account of a small unit action in Vietnam. Incredible survival story - rivals any battle in history for action and terror. (1), 06/09 A young man's journey from West Point to Afganistan and back. Great insight and backgound on the supreme challenge. (1), 12/08 Hagberg is without equal whenit comes to action and intrigue. As always McGarvey remains on his pedestal. A must read. (1), 11/09 Sandford's new stud (1), 09/09 Excellent account of an 18 year old Marine's tour in Vietnam. A real soup to nuts description without unnecessary enhancement. A great read. (1), 09/09 As a sequel it does not measure up to predecessors. Good characters with ho-hum plot. Would rate this a solid "B". (1), 10/09 Very good Cold War spy thriller. A plot that has both sides playing one off the other. Good author and solid read. (1), 10/09 Another Thor thriller that is not to be missed. Great account of the challenges that exist between the military and bureaucracy. Should 4 and 1/2 stars. (1), 10/09 First in what should be a great series. Plum is a hoot and always good for a belly laugh. Bounty hunter supreme. (1), 10/09 Much better than predecessor with shortage of thrills and action. Boxer is a unique heroine in all aspects. (1), is a keeper. A gripping plot based on the rath of a killer's vendetta. A homerun ! (1), 09/09 Great sequel. Rinker is the bad guy (1), 11/09 This on will make you shiver. Detective Quinn cannot stay retired with a madman on the prowl. Lutz has to be read as he is the real deal. (1), 11/09 A great sequel with Stephanie providing a ton of laughs with her wit and comments. A real thriller with some very quirky characters. (1), 11/09 Bennie Rosato and her chick law firm jump into a hornet's nest. Alice adds a little diversion to round out the plot and keep things interesting. Very entertaining. (1), 12/09 Carmellini comes through again. Plenty of twists and turns with no shortage of action or intrigue on this fast paced thriller. (1), 12/09 Another solid instalment to the series. Superb villain who knows how to push all the right buttons. Family side plot is an added treat. (1), 12/09 Plum continues to give new meaning to the words Bounty Hunter. This one has plenty of wit & grit and no shortage of laughs. (1), but you have to love her. Lucas vs Rinker in the final showdown. Must read. (1), 09/09 The girls are at it again. Tale of the seedy sides of the legal and medical professions. Series is a winner. (1), 06/09 Excellent with main character (1), 07/09 Moving account of a small unit action in the Korean War. Detailed overview of incredible bravery in a brutal pice of the war. (1), Mary D providing more than enough dynamics. Author is a new find. Will read other works. (1), 06/09 One of Sandfords best. Disturbing and scary plot with our boy (1), standing tall. A must read. (1), 07/09 He has done it again with another page turning masterpiece. Great characters and plot ! (1), 07/09 Another outstanding effort about one of my favorites (1), Allon. Excellent story about conspiracy and international intrigue. (1), 07/09 Great start to new series. Gripping story from the get go with no lack of page turning material. Looking forward to sequels. (1), 09/09 The author captures the reader from the start. Plot is as riveting and chilling as it gets. Very scary. (1), 08/09 The two villains in this plot steal the show. Davenport has his hands full dealing with these two. A must read. (1), 08/09 This one takes the reader to the last page. Cast of characteres is unequalled. Plot[s] top shelf. (1), 08/09 Another homerun - these ladies are fantastic. This is guaranteed to be a great series. (1), 08/09 Outstanding account of the trials and tribulations of a platoon leader's year in Vietnam. Excellent detail and descripition of the events (1), during the tour. (1), 08/09 Bennie is a unique pistol of a lawyer. This murder story utilizes all her talents with a little humor thrown in for fun. No shortage of action. (1), 12/08 Great debut. The main character is always in the crosshairs. Turning the pages is a necessity to relieve or increase the suspense. Great main character ! (1), 12/08 Definitely not one of the author's best. Far fetched tale that can lose the reader's focus. (1), action (1), 4/08 Good characters; good plot and an enjoyable read. Lots of twists and turns with plenty of suspense. (1), but still well worth the effort. Wells is a good solid character whose antics are riveting. (1), 7/08 Not the author's best (1), but plenty of suspense and action as plot moves forward. Allon is a unique character of great interest. (1), 6/08 Slower start (1), 06/08 This guy just keeps pushing out winners. Always a good read when davenport is involved. (1), and intrigue - it's all there (1), 6/08 Hagberg is truly addictive. McGarvey is a great character that would be hard to duplicate. Action (1), 6/08 The third in a series of Department Thirty novels. Hard to put down and does not disappoint. (1), 6/08 A real thriller that has intrigue and certainly holds the reader's interest. Coben is a great find as an author (1), 5/08 Unique plot with very realistic characters. Keeps the readers interest until the end. Author is well worth reading. (1), 5/08 A thrilling masterpiece. Is Pablo still alive ? Unbelievable ending with a double twist. (1), 5/08 Realistic well written conspiracy to overthrow the U S Government. Strong characters and plot make for an excellent read. (1), 5/08 Another Hagberg thriller. The McGarvey series is packed with suspense. Did he really get bin-Laden ? (1), 5/08 One of the great ones. Excellent plot and chareacters providing plenty of suspense. Great finish leaving plenty of room for sequel. (1), but a strong thrilling finish. Another Flynn masterpiece. (1), and plot with plenty of openings for a great sequel. (1), Matthews provides excelllent insght about America and why it is the country it is with no fluff or political leanings (1), leadership (1), Lucas (1), valor (1), good and bad (1), Virgil Flowers (1), 3/08 Once again (1), 3/08 An excellent read that really touches the heart. Easy to see why it was a favorite of DWM (1), 4/08 Slower ou of the blocks than usual (1), 04/08 Strong character with a great plot. Although fiction (1), it was very real in its presentation. Looking forward to his next novel (1), 4/08 This guy is good ! Plenty of intigue and suspense supported by strong characters. Plot makes it a real page turner. (1), 4/08 Plenty of action makes for a fast paced read. Characters and plot provide great quality and strong recommendatio. (1), 4/08 This is one intense read. Plenty of twists and turns with a solid ending. A must read (1), 4/08 One of the very best reads in along time. Outstanding plot that keeps one in suspense right through the epilogue. Highest recommendation (1), 7/08 Third and maybe the best in a series. Strong characters (1), 7/08 The best of the best by Buick. A real gut wrenching to the final page. Characters and plot are superb. A must read. (1), 12/08 Bolitar come through again. The plot will keep the reader off guard right up to the last page. (1), 11/08 Early McGarvey ! Assassin vs assassin with the plot and action to back it up. Also (1), 10/08 Sequel with all the pieces (1), but it drags too much in places. Potential plot is there for another sequel. (1), 10/08 Descent plot; OK characters; and a so so read. Very dry in spots. Good subject matter left to rot on the line. (1), 10/08 Whiny diary of soldier's tour in Iraq. Boring and very difficult to read cover to cover. Take a pass on this one. (1), 11/08 Descent sequel (1), but it was not Harvath at his best. Solid thriller with plenty of action and suspense. (1), there is an excellent sub plot. (1), 9/08 Great story developed around the all time famous "quickie". Plot and characters definitely hold reader's interest. (1), 11/08 Thriller with a good plot (1), solid characters and a funky ending. Bolitar is truly a unique lead guy. (1), just enough spice to create a little steam. (1), 11/08 Interesting characters make for a good plot with lots of behind the scenes intrigue. Also (1), 11/08 Fast paced top notch thriller with a great ending. Definitely a must read ! (1), 12/08 The Tarantula character makes this a winner bringing the best out of McGarvey. Top notch series. (1), 10/08 Early McGarvey with plenty of intrigue and suspense. Vendetta taken to a new level in the plot. Excellent read. (1), plot and surprise ending. Page turner deluxe. (1), 7/08 Not one hagberg's best. Plot and characters while being good did not measure up to author's usual standards. (1), 8/08 A very moving account of the war in Iraq and how it affects the soldiers and their families. (1), 7/08 Slow start with very strong finish. McGarvey's role is action packed and loaded with intense suspense. Back ups more than add to the mix. (1), 7/08 Puts a whole new perspective on the war directly from the front lines - up close and very personal. Very well written. (1), 8/08 Buick's best ! The intensity and suspense in the story is second to none. Taylor is the perfect lead character. (1), 7/08 Not the author's best. Strong characters (1), but the plot is a little far fetched. OK read. (1), 8/08 Hagberg comes through once again with a page turning thriller. McGarvey has become addictive. a must read. (1), 8/08 Very entertaining; totally unpredictable page turner. Bennett is a solid character who should be heard from again. A must read. (1), 9/08 Coben has a keeper in Myron Bolitor. Great read with solid characters (1), 8/08 McGarvey comes through again with his exploits and perserverence. Hagberg has a winner with this character and another page turner. (1), 8/08 A super deluxe twisrwe & turner. As much suspense as can be crammed into a plot with an ending out of left field. (1), 9/08 Title is literally taken to its extreme limits. Mafia and its affiliations shown at their very worst. Easy and definitely a must read. (1), 9/08 A real thriller in the true sense of the word. The plot (1), characters and suspense are more than enough to hold readers interest. Well above average. (1), 9/08 Moving account of the Iraq War from an individual and family standpoint. Addresses the pain left by those who have fallen. (1), 12/09 Carver centers a great plot with unique characters and plot. Plenty of suspense. (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 30, 2006

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