
music (12), copyright (11), law (11), swedish (11), IP (10), musik (10), IPR (10), Disney (9), Don Rosa (9), juridik (8), Uncle Scrooge (8), musikvetenskap (8), fishing (8), upphovsrätt (8), angling (8), immaterialrätt (7), Swedish (7), Kalle Anka (6), musicology (6), coarse fishing (5), free software (5), cyberlaw (5), british (4), open source (4), moorcock (3), licensing (3), uk (3), patent (3), mulitverse (3), commons (3), psychology (3), carp (3), UK (3), cyberpunk (3), eternal champion (3), computers (3), football (3), fantasy (3), specimen hunting (2), rättspsykologi (2), intellectual property (2), folkmusik (2), musikhistoria (2), pike (2), technology (2), classical (2), classical music (2), popularmusic (2), intellectual capital (2), predator (2), fiction (2), pop (2), popmusic (2), biography (2), instruction (2), rock (2), forensic psychology (2), metal (1), strategy (1), filmmusik (1), Stallman (1), culture (1), history (1), SOU (1), TAB (1), gothic (1), UML (1), renaissance (1), textbook (1), yngwie (1), TV (1), theory (1), CD (1), mångkultur (1), cryptography (1), open content (1), extremism (1), kopimi (1), jamieoliver (1), nätjuridik (1), licenser (1), Jan Rosén (1), SOU 2003:35 (1), förvaltningsprocess (1), classic (1), tench (1), pearch (1), it-rätt (1), stenkastare (1), politics (1), intellectual capitalism (1), musikjuridik (1), coarsefishing (1), film (1), aktivism (1), bream (1), ethics (1), italy (1), boring (1), music history (1), norwegian (1), security (1), IT (1), tablature (1), rms (1), sheetmusic (1), cyberspace (1), internet (1), hair metal (1), mitnick (1), elric (1), food (1), computer music (1), cookbook (1), standards (1), guitar (1), object (1), demonstration (1), OOA (1), memoir (1), film music (1), DMCA (1), information (1), economics (1), object oriented (1), utopia (1), anarchy (1), heavy metal (1), FSF (1), creative commons (1), politik (1), education (1), calcio (1), musictheory (1), coarse (1), specimen (1), piratbyrån (1), social engineering (1), business (1), Serie A (1), musicindustry (1), music theory (1), classical guitar (1), freak kitchen (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 22, 2007
Bürgerlicher Name
Karl Jonsson
Über meine Bibliothek
Would be nice to add all my books here but... maybe when I retire! Will try to remember to add newly acquired books and to add library books etc to the "Read but unowned" collection and fill in what I'm, currently reading. I'm also adding a few old books every now and then. Especially my favourite books, to build a representative profile.
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