
listened (48), 2016 (14), mentions libraries (11), murder (9), 2017 (9), 2015 (7), mentions librarians (7), dark (7), detective (5), funny (5), Seattle (5), entertaining (5), predictable (5), 2012 (5), crime (5), 2013 (4), insightful (4), American Indian (3), heartbreaking (3), inspirational (3), NYC (2), vacuous (2), tragedy (2), bleak (2), uneven (2), mental illness (2), Norway (2), cute (2), didactic (2), WWII (2), civil war (2), cancer (2), resonant (2), punk rock (2), 2011 (2), Amish (2), domestic abuse (2), characters (2), new york (2), wonderful (2), thriller (2), 2014 (2), worst narrator EVER (2), serial killer (2), SPORTS! (2), visceral (2), art (2), flawed (2), elitist (2), suspense (2), dysfunctional families (2), educational (2), memoir (2), preachy (2), plot twists (1), pacific northwest (1), Patti Smith (1), cinematic (1), affected (1), bribery (1), relevant (1), crime fiction (1), plodding (1), thoughtful (1), death (1), chicago (1), vampirism (1), life (1), economic (1), AIDS (1), creepy (1), swimming (1), fiction (1), rehash (1), alive (1), history of punk (1), cringe (1), 'private investigators' (1), awesome dreamy love war letter-writing (1), richly detailed (1), exene cervenka (1), maybe too cute (1), cell researCH (1), features public libraries (1), grammy-nominated (1), mike watts (1), unfun (1), Los Angeles punk scene (1), everett reads (1), mental health crisis (1), tv show might be better than the book (1), only remotely interesting (1), poorly narrated (1), disrespects libraries (1), disrespects librarians (1), overtly pro-life (1), true drama (1), good narrator (1), psychopaths (1), broken relationships (1), narrated by author (1), desolate (1), German occupation of France (1), insightul (1), weary (1), Hasidic Jews (1), agonizing (1), aromatic (1), cultish (1), Washington state (1), directionless (1), Judaism (1), Nazis (1), ballard (1), World's Fair (1), U.S. presidents (1), urban classic (1), excellent narration (1), milquetoast (1), red herrings (1), UCB (1), art theft (1), wyoming (1), poorly written (1), Chicago (1), detectives (1), smart (1), boring (1), pretentious (1), rebellion (1), courage (1), injustice (1), weird (1), nyc (1), awful (1), rite of passage (1), alcohol abuse (1), addiction (1), introspective (1), seattle (1), race (1), law (1), American history (1), debut novel (1), informative (1), architecture (1), scary (1), loss (1), friendship (1), coming of age (1), comedy (1), love (1), ethics (1), light (1), whodunit (1), science (1), sad (1), murder mystery (1), depression (1), historical fiction (1), long (1), mystical (1), great (1), relationships (1), dogs (1), kidnapping (1), intrigue (1), touching (1), detailed (1), hopeless (1), LGBTQ (1), basic (1), character study (1), naive (1), brutal (1), Oslo (1), ethereal (1), read (1), dying (1), meticulous (1), insight (1), household (1), loving (1), average (1), L.A. (1), 2010 (1), yellowstone (1), china (1), timely (1), religious oppression (1), dumb (1), annoying (1), unique (1), invention (1), hilarious (1), sappy (1), father-son (1), drugs (1), human condition (1), mortality (1), strange (1), engaging (1), ecology (1), brooding (1), noir (1), cold (1), silly (1), tedious (1), 9/11 (1), recovery (1), financial (1), new jersey (1), eighties (1), will (1), overtly pro-traditional marriage (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 9, 2007

