
theology (214), fiction (131), christian living (129), bible study (123), childrens (113), history (92), civil ethics (61), philosophy (56), evangelism (54), apologetics (52), worldview (47), biography (47), religions (45), practical (32), ecclesiology (32), marriage (29), counseling (28), politics (27), ethics (25), education (24), science (24), missions (24), devotional (23), church history (22), eschatology (21), family (21), novels (20), cults (18), critical review (16), femininity (13), health (12), stories (12), aesthetics (10), art (10), child training (10), revival (10), masculinity (9), subversive (9), gardening (8), literature (8), heterodoxy (7), hermeneutics (7), FV (7), greek (7), commentary (7), language (7), courtship (6), evolution (6), sexuality (6), stewardship (5), social science (5), poetry (5), worship (4), architecture (4), writing (4), sacraments (3), motherhood (3), creeds & confessions (3), child care (3), geography (3), pregnancy (3), law (3), economics (3), abortion (2), ancient (2), missionary (2), travel (1), firearms (1), religion (1), anthropology (1), psychology (1), creation & flood (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
May 23, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Ryan Kidd
Über meine Bibliothek
Many of my books were purchased intentionally, but about half were inherited or purchased in bulk. Therefore, you'll find an interesting collection of good, bad, and dubious volumes. Some I'm keeping for critical review, and others I'm still evaluating.
Über mich
I'm a part-time philosopher, amateur theologian, and wannabe writer. I find Christian Theism to be the most satisfying system of beliefs and values for living. Furthermore, I rest in my personal experience of knowing the Creator-God of the Bible. I revel in being set free from the bondage of guilt and fear. Jesus made me free to serve Him. Thus you can appreciate my interest in knowing Him better and learning His Kingdom purposes through reading the Bible and related studies.
Toronto, Canada